Station Code | GAW ID (current ID only) |
WDCGG ID | WIGOS ID | Name | WMO Category | Station Category | Latitude (north: +; south: −) |
Longitude (east: +; west: −) |
Elevation (m a.s.l.) |
Country/Territory | WMO Region | Status | Map |
1001 | CAI | CAI1001 | 0-20008-0-CAI | CAIRO | GAW Regional | fixed station | 30.0833339691 | 31.2833328247 | 35 | Egypt | REGION I (Africa) | Operational | click |
1002 | IZO | IZO1002 | 0-20008-0-IZO | Izaña (Tenerife) | GAW Global | fixed station | 28.3090000153 | -16.4993991852 | 2373 | Spain | REGION I (Africa) | Operational | click |
1003 | ASK | ASK1003 | 0-20008-0-ASK | Assekrem | GAW Global | fixed station | 23.26116 | 5.63115 | 2710 | Algeria | REGION I (Africa) | Operational | click |
1004 | CVO | CVO1004 | 0-20008-0-CVO | Cape Verde Atmospheric Observatory | GAW Global | fixed station | 16.864025 | -24.867519 | 10 | Cabo Verde | REGION I (Africa) | Operational | click |
1005 | MKN | MKN1005 | 0-20008-0-MKN | Mt. Kenya | GAW Global | fixed station | -0.0621999986 | 37.2971992493 | 3678 | Kenya | REGION I (Africa) | Operational | click |
1006 | SEY | SEY1006 | 0-20008-0-SEY | Mahé | GAW Regional | fixed station | -4.6700000763 | 55.1699981689 | 3 | Seychelles | REGION I (Africa) | Operational | click |
1007 | ASC | ASC1007 | 0-20008-0-ASC | Ascension Island | GAW Regional | fixed station | -7.9699997902 | -14.3999996185 | 91 | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | REGION I (Africa) | Operational | click |
1008 | NMB | NMB1008 | 0-20008-0-NMB | Gobabeb | GAW Regional | fixed station | -23.5699996948 | 15.029999733 | 408 | Namibia | REGION I (Africa) | Operational | click |
1009 | CPT | CPT1009 | 0-20008-0-CPT | Cape Point | GAW Global | fixed station | -34.3534812927 | 18.4896831512 | 230 | South Africa | REGION I (Africa) | Operational | click |
1010 | AMS | AMS1010 | 0-20008-0-AMS | Amsterdam Island | GAW Global | fixed station | -37.7983016968 | 77.5378036499 | 70 | France | REGION I (Africa) | Operational | click |
1011 | CRZ | CRZ1011 | 0-20008-0-CRZ | Crozet | GAW Regional | fixed station | -46.4333381653 | 51.8335800171 | 120 | France | REGION I (Africa) | Operational | click |
1012 | FRF | FRF1012 | 0-20008-0-FRF | Farafra | GAW Regional | fixed station | 27.0581169128 | 27.9901638031 | 92 | Egypt | REGION I (Africa) | Operational | click |
2001 | KOT | KOT2001 | 0-20008-0-KOT | Kotelnyj Island | GAW Regional | fixed station | 76 | 137.8699951172 | 5 | Russian Federation | REGION II (Asia) | Non-reporting | click |
2002 | TIK | TIK2002 | 0-20008-0-TIK | Tiksi | GAW Regional | fixed station | 71.5861663818 | 128.9188232422 | 8 | Russian Federation | REGION II (Asia) | Operational | click |
2003 | BER | BER2003 | 0-20008-0-BER | Bering Island | GAW Regional | fixed station | 55.2000007629 | 165.9799957275 | 13 | Russian Federation | REGION II (Asia) | Closed | click |
2004 | UUM | UUM2004 | 0-20008-0-UUM | Ulaan Uul | GAW Regional | fixed station | 44.444 | 111.0861 | 992 | Mongolia | REGION II (Asia) | Operational | click |
2005 | KZD | KZD2005 | 0-20008-0-KZD | Sary Taukum | GAW Regional | fixed station | 44.4500007629 | 77.5699996948 | 412 | Kazakhstan | REGION II (Asia) | Non-reporting | click |
2006 | MMB | MMB2006 | 0-20008-0-MMB | Memanbetsu | GAW Other elements | fixed station | 43.9199981689 | 144.1999969482 | 33 | Japan | REGION II (Asia) | Closed | click |
2007 | KZM | KZM2007 | 0-20008-0-KZM | Plateau Assy | GAW Regional | fixed station | 43.25 | 77.8799972534 | 2519 | Kazakhstan | REGION II (Asia) | Non-reporting | click |
2008 | COI2008 | 0-20008-0-COI | Cape Ochiishi | GAW Contributing networks | fixed station | 43.16028 | 145.49739 | 42.4 | Japan | REGION II (Asia) | Operational | click | |
2009 | ISK | ISK2009 | 0-20008-0-ISK | Issyk-Kul | GAW Regional | fixed station | 42.6166648865 | 76.9833297729 | 1640 | Kyrgyzstan | REGION II (Asia) | Operational | click |
2010 | KYZ | KYZ2010 | 0-20008-0-KYZ | Kyzylcha | GAW Regional | fixed station | 40.8699989319 | 66.1500015259 | 340 | Uzbekistan | REGION II (Asia) | Closed | click |
2011 | SDZ | SDZ2011 | 0-20008-0-SDZ | Shangdianzi | GAW Regional | fixed station | 40.6500015259 | 117.1166000366 | 287 | China | REGION II (Asia) | Operational | click |
2012 | RYO | RYO2012 | 0-20008-0-RYO | Ryori | GAW Regional | fixed station | 39.0319 | 141.8222 | 260 | Japan | REGION II (Asia) | Operational | click |
2013 | TAP | TAP2013 | 0-20008-0-TAP | Tae-ahn Peninsula | GAW Regional | fixed station | 36.7299995422 | 126.1299972534 | 20 | Republic of Korea | REGION II (Asia) | Operational | click |
2014 | AMY | AMY2014 | 0-20008-0-AMY | Anmyeon-do | GAW Regional | fixed station | 36.5386 | 126.33 | 42 | Republic of Korea | REGION II (Asia) | Operational | click |
2015 | WLG | WLG2015 | 0-20008-0-WLG | Mt. Waliguan | GAW Global | fixed station | 36.2874984741 | 100.8963012695 | 3810 | China | REGION II (Asia) | Operational | click |
2016 | TKY2016 | 0-20008-0-TKY | Takayama | GAW Other elements | fixed station | 36.14616667 | 137.4231111 | 1420 | Japan | REGION II (Asia) | Operational | click | |
2017 | KIS2017 | 0-20008-0-KIS | Kisai | GAW Other elements | fixed station | 36.084519 | 139.560514 | 14 | Japan | REGION II (Asia) | Operational | click | |
2018 | TKB | TKB2018 | 0-20008-0-TKB | Tateno (Tsukuba) | GAW Regional | fixed station | 36.0581 | 140.1258 | 25.2 | Japan | REGION II (Asia) | Operational | click |
2019 | DDR2019 | 0-20008-0-DDR | Mt. Dodaira | GAW Other elements | fixed station | 36.000275 | 139.186386 | 832 | Japan | REGION II (Asia) | Operational | click | |
2020 | URW2020 | 0-20008-0-URW | Urawa | GAW Other elements | fixed station | 35.868361 | 139.612889 | 8 | Japan | REGION II (Asia) | Closed | click | |
2021 | NGY | NGY2021 | 0-20008-0-NGY | Nagoya | GAW Other elements | fixed station | 35.1500015259 | 136.9700012207 | 35 | Japan | REGION II (Asia) | Closed | click |
2022 | MKW | MKW2022 | 0-20008-0-MKW | Mikawa-Ichinomiya | GAW Other elements | fixed station | 34.8499984741 | 137.4299926758 | 50 | Japan | REGION II (Asia) | Non-reporting | click |
2023 | SUI | SUI2023 | 0-20008-0-SUI | Suita | GAW Other elements | fixed station | 34.8199996948 | 135.5200042725 | 63 | Japan | REGION II (Asia) | Closed | click |
2024 | HMM | HMM2024 | 0-20008-0-HMM | Hamamatsu | GAW Other elements | fixed station | 34.7166671753 | 137.7166595459 | 29 | Japan | REGION II (Asia) | Non-reporting | click |
2025 | GSN | GSN2025 | 0-20008-0-GSN | Gosan | GAW Regional | fixed station | 33.29382 | 126.16283 | 71.39 | Republic of Korea | REGION II (Asia) | Operational | click |
2026 | PYR | PYR2026 | 0-20008-0-PYR | Nepal Climate Observatory - Pyramid | GAW Global | fixed station | 27.9577999115 | 86.8149032593 | 5079 | Nepal | REGION II (Asia) | Operational | click |
2028 | YON | YON2028 | 0-20008-0-YON | Yonagunijima | GAW Regional | fixed station | 24.4667 | 123.0106 | 30 | Japan | REGION II (Asia) | Operational | click |
2029 | MNM | MNM2029 | 0-20008-0-MNM | Minamitorishima | GAW Global | fixed station | 24.2883 | 153.9833 | 7.1 | Japan | REGION II (Asia) | Operational | click |
2031 | HAT2031 | 0-20008-0-HAT | Hateruma Island | GAW Other elements | fixed station | 24.06069 | 123.80939 | 10 | Japan | REGION II (Asia) | Operational | click | |
2032 | LLN | LLN2032 | 0-20008-0-LLN | Lulin | GAW Other elements | fixed station | 23.4699993134 | 120.8700027466 | 2862 | Taiwan, Province of China | REGION II (Asia) | Operational | click |
2033 | HKO | HKO2033 | 0-20008-0-HKO | King's Park | GAW Regional | fixed station | 22.3118972778 | 114.1728744507 | 65 | Hong Kong, China | REGION II (Asia) | Operational | click |
2034 | HKG | HKG2034 | 0-20008-0-HKG | Hok Tsui / Cape d Aguilar | GAW Regional | fixed station | 22.2094 | 114.2535 | 53 | Hong Kong, China | REGION II (Asia) | Operational | click |
2035 | PDI | PDI2035 | 0-20008-0-PDI | Pha Din | GAW Regional | fixed station | 21.5731 | 103.5157 | 1466 | Viet Nam | REGION II (Asia) | Operational | click |
2036 | CRI | CRI2036 | 0-20008-0-CRI | Cape Rama | GAW Other elements | fixed station | 15.0799999237 | 73.8300018311 | 60 | India | REGION II (Asia) | Non-reporting | click |
2037 | KCO | KCO2037 | 0-20008-0-KCO | Kaashidhoo (Male Atoll) | GAW Regional | fixed station | 4.9699997902 | 73.4700012207 | 1 | Maldives | REGION II (Asia) | Closed | click |
2038 | JGS | JGS2038 | 0-20008-0-JGS | Jeju Gosan | GAW Regional | fixed station | 33.30005 | 126.2057 | 52 | Republic of Korea | REGION II (Asia) | Operational | click |
2157 | CPA | CPA2157 | 0-417-0-CPA | Cholpon-Ata | GAW Regional | fixed station | 42.6369 | 77.0675 | 1613 | Kyrgyzstan | REGION II (Asia) | Operational | click |
2158 | CCJ2158 | 0-20000-0-47971 | CHICHIJIMA | GAW Other elements | fixed station | 27.0922222222 | 142.1913888889 | 2.7 | Japan | REGION II (Asia) | Operational | click | |
2159 | ULD | ULD2159 | 0-410-0-ULD | Ulleungdo | GAW Regional | fixed station | 37.48 | 130.9 | 220.9 | Republic of Korea | REGION II (Asia) | Operational | click |
3001 | NAT | NAT3001 | 0-20008-0-NAT | Natal | GAW Regional | fixed station | -6 | -35.2000007629 | 0 | Brazil | REGION III (South America) | Operational | click |
3002 | HUA | HUA3002 | 0-20008-0-HUA | Huancayo | GAW Regional | fixed station | -12.1499996185 | -75.5666656494 | 4575 | Peru | REGION III (South America) | Closed | click |
3003 | ABP | ABP3003 | 0-20008-0-ABP | Arembepe | GAW Global | fixed station | -12.7666664124 | -38.1666679382 | 0 | Brazil | REGION III (South America) | Closed | click |
3004 | EIC | EIC3004 | 0-20008-0-EIC | Easter Island | GAW Regional | fixed station | -27.1666660309 | -109.4167022705 | 41 | Chile | REGION III (South America) | Operational | click |
3005 | TLL | TLL3005 | 0-20008-0-TLL | El Tololo | GAW Regional | fixed station | -30.16833 | -70.80361 | 2154 | Chile | REGION III (South America) | Operational | click |
3006 | SGI | SGI3006 | 0-20008-0-SGI | Bird Island (South Georgia) | GAW Regional | fixed station | -54.0083007813 | -38.0512008667 | 30 | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | REGION III (South America) | Non-reporting | click |
3007 | USH | USH3007 | 0-20008-0-USH | Ushuaia | GAW Global | fixed station | -54.8484649658 | -68.3106918335 | 18 | Argentina | REGION III (South America) | Operational | click |
4001 | ALT | ALT4001 | 0-20008-0-ALT | Alert | GAW Global | fixed station | 82.4991455078 | -62.3415260315 | 185 | Canada | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Operational | click |
4002 | MBC | MBC4002 | 0-20008-0-MBC | Mould Bay | GAW Regional | fixed station | 76.25 | -119.3499984741 | 58 | Canada | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Closed | click |
4003 | BRW | BRW4003 | 0-20008-0-BRW | Barrow (AK) | GAW Global | fixed station | 71.3230133057 | -156.6114654541 | 11 | United States of America | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Operational | click |
4004 | CHL | CHL4004 | 0-20008-0-CHL | Churchill | GAW Regional | fixed station | 58.737902 | -93.820581 | 16 | Canada | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Operational | click |
4005 | CBA | CBA4005 | 0-20008-0-CBA | Cold Bay (AK) | GAW Regional | fixed station | 55.2000007629 | -162.7166595459 | 25 | United States of America | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Operational | click |
4006 | LLB | LLB4006 | 0-20008-0-LLB | Lac La Biche (Alberta) | GAW Regional | fixed station | 54.953809 | -112.466649 | 548 | Canada | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Operational | click |
4007 | ETL | ETL4007 | 0-20008-0-ETL | East Trout Lake | GAW Regional | fixed station | 54.353743 | -104.986864 | 500 | Canada | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Operational | click |
4008 | CDL | CDL4008 | 0-20008-0-CDL | Candle Lake | GAW Regional | fixed station | 53.987108 | -105.117939 | 591 | Canada | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Closed | click |
4009 | SHM | SHM4009 | 0-20008-0-SHM | Shemya Island | GAW Regional | fixed station | 52.7200012207 | 174.1000061035 | 40 | United States of America | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Operational | click |
4011 | FSD | FSD4011 | 0-20008-0-FSD | Fraserdale | GAW Regional | fixed station | 49.8400001526 | -81.5166702271 | 210 | Canada | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Operational | click |
4012 | CHM | CHM4012 | 0-20008-0-CHM | Chibougamau | GAW Regional | fixed station | 49.69251 | -74.342296 | 383 | Canada | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Closed | click |
4013 | ESP | ESP4013 | 0-20008-0-ESP | Estevan Point | GAW Regional | fixed station | 49.382935 | -126.544097 | 7 | Canada | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Operational | click |
4014 | OPW | OPW4014 | 0-20008-0-OPW | Olympic Peninsula (WA) | GAW Regional | fixed station | 48.25 | -124.4199981689 | 488 | United States of America | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Closed | click |
4015 | LEF | LEF4015 | 0-20008-0-LEF | Park Falls (WI) | GAW Regional | fixed station | 45.9300003052 | -90.2699966431 | 868 | United States of America | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Operational | click |
4016 | CMO | CMO4016 | 0-20008-0-CMO | Cape Meares (OR) | GAW Regional | fixed station | 45 | -124 | 30 | United States of America | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Closed | click |
4017 | AMT | AMT4017 | 0-20008-0-AMT | Argyle (ME) | GAW Other elements | fixed station | 45.0299987793 | -68.6800003052 | 50 | United States of America | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Non-reporting | click |
4018 | EGB | EGB4018 | 0-20008-0-EGB | Egbert | GAW Regional | fixed station | 44.231006 | -79.783839 | 255 | Canada | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Operational | click |
4019 | WSA | WSA4019 | 0-20008-0-WSA | Sable Island | GAW Regional | fixed station | 43.932638 | -60.008608 | 2 | Canada | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Operational | click |
4020 | HFM | HFM4020 | 0-20008-0-HFM | Harvard Forest (MA) | GAW Regional | fixed station | 42.9000015259 | -72.3000030518 | 340 | United States of America | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Operational | click |
4021 | WBI | WBI4021 | 0-20008-0-WBI | West Branch (Iowa) | GAW Other elements | fixed station | 41.7249984741 | -91.3529968262 | 242 | United States of America | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Non-reporting | click |
4022 | THD | THD4022 | 0-20008-0-THD | Trinidad Head (CA) | GAW Regional | fixed station | 41.0541000366 | -124.1510009766 | 107 | United States of America | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Operational | click |
4023 | NWR | NWR4023 | 0-20008-0-NWR | Niwot Ridge - T-van (CO) | GAW Regional | fixed station | 40.0499992371 | -105.5899963379 | 3523 | United States of America | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Operational | click |
4024 | UTA | UTA4024 | 0-20008-0-UTA | Wendover (UT) | GAW Regional | fixed station | 39.9000015259 | -113.7200012207 | 1320 | United States of America | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Operational | click |
4025 | PTA | PTA4025 | 0-20008-0-PTA | Point Arena (CA) | GAW Regional | fixed station | 38.9500007629 | -123.7300033569 | 17 | United States of America | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Non-reporting | click |
4026 | SGP | SGP4026 | 0-20008-0-SGP | Southern Great Plains E13 (OK) | GAW Contributing networks | fixed station | 36.5999984741 | -97.5 | 318 | United States of America | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Operational | click |
4027 | ITN | ITN4027 | 0-20008-0-ITN | Grifton - Georgia Station (NC) | GAW Regional | fixed station | 35.3499984741 | -77.3799972534 | 505 | United States of America | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Operational | click |
4028 | SIO | SIO4028 | 0-20008-0-SIO | La Jolla (CA) | GAW Regional | fixed station | 32.8300018311 | -117.2699966431 | 14 | United States of America | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Closed | click |
4029 | BME | BME4029 | 0-20008-0-BME | St. David's Head | GAW Regional | fixed station | 32.3699989319 | -64.6500015259 | 30 | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Closed | click |
4030 | BMW | BMW4030 | 0-20008-0-BMW | Tudor Hill (Bermuda) | GAW Regional | fixed station | 32.2700004578 | -64.8799972534 | 30 | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Operational | click |
4031 | KPA | KPA4031 | 0-20008-0-KPA | Kitt Peak (AZ) | GAW Regional | fixed station | 31.9699993134 | -111.5999984741 | 2083 | United States of America | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Closed | click |
4032 | WKT | WKT4032 | 0-20008-0-WKT | Moody (TX) | GAW Regional | fixed station | 31.3199996948 | -97.6200027466 | 723 | United States of America | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Non-reporting | click |
4033 | KEY | KEY4033 | 0-20008-0-KEY | Key Biscane (FL) | GAW Regional | fixed station | 25.6666660309 | -80.1999969482 | 3 | United States of America | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Operational | click |
4034 | MEX | MEX4034 | 0-20008-0-MEX | Mex High Altitude Global Climate Observation Center | GAW Other elements | fixed station | 18.985842 | -97.314433 | 4560 | Mexico | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Operational | click |
4035 | AVI | AVI4035 | 0-20008-0-AVI | St. Croix | GAW Regional | fixed station | 17.75 | -64.75 | 3 | United States of America | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Closed | click |
4036 | RPB | RPB4036 | 0-20008-0-RPB | Ragged Point | GAW Regional | fixed station | 13.1700000763 | -59.4300003052 | 45 | Barbados | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Operational | click |
4129 | BCK | BCK4129 | 0-20008-0-BCK | Behchoko | GAW Regional | fixed station | 62.797934 | -115.918255 | 184 | Canada | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Operational | click |
4165 | CBY | CBY4165 | 0-20008-0-CBY | Cambridge Bay | GAW Regional | fixed station | 69.1284 | -105.0577 | 25 | Canada | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Operational | click |
4176 | INU | INU4176 | 0-20008-0-INU | Inuvik | GAW Regional | fixed station | 68.317817 | -133.534232 | 107 | Canada | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Operational | click |
4178 | EST | EST4178 | 0-20008-0-EST | Esther | GAW Regional | fixed station | 51.67055 | -110.206325 | 707 | Canada | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Operational | click |
4218 | BRA | BRA4218 | 0-20008-0-BRA | Bratt's Lake | GAW Regional | fixed station | 50.201631 | -104.711259 | 580 | Canada | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Operational | click |
4245 | CPS | CPS4245 | 0-20008-0-CPS | Chapais | GAW Regional | fixed station | 49.821583 | -74.974551 | 383 | Canada | REGION IV (North and Central America) | Operational | click |
5001 | MID | MID5001 | 0-20008-0-MID | Sand Island | GAW Regional | fixed station | 28.2199993134 | -177.3699951172 | 4 | United States of America | REGION V (South-West Pacific) | Operational | click |
5002 | MLO | MLO5002 | 0-20008-0-MLO | Mauna Loa (HI) | GAW Global | fixed station | 19.5362300873 | -155.5761566162 | 3397 | United States of America | REGION V (South-West Pacific) | Operational | click |
5003 | KUM | KUM5003 | 0-20008-0-KUM | Cape Kumukahi (HI) | GAW Regional | fixed station | 19.5200004578 | -154.8200073242 | 3 | United States of America | REGION V (South-West Pacific) | Operational | click |
5004 | GMI | GMI5004 | 0-20008-0-GMI | Guam (Mariana Island) | GAW Regional | fixed station | 13.4300003052 | 144.7799987793 | 2 | United States of America | REGION V (South-West Pacific) | Operational | click |
5005 | DMV | DMV5005 | 0-20008-0-DMV | Danum Valley | GAW Global | fixed station | 4.9813890457 | 117.8436126709 | 426 | Malaysia | REGION V (South-West Pacific) | Operational | click |
5006 | CHR | CHR5006 | 0-20008-0-CHR | Christmas Island | GAW Regional | fixed station | 1.7000000477 | -157.1699981689 | 3 | Kiribati | REGION V (South-West Pacific) | Operational | click |
5007 | BKT | BKT5007 | 0-20008-0-BKT | Bukit Kototabang | GAW Global | fixed station | -0.2019443959 | 100.3180541992 | 864 | Indonesia | REGION V (South-West Pacific) | Operational | click |
5008 | GPA | GPA5008 | 0-20008-0-GPA | Gunn Point | GAW Regional | fixed station | -12.2488002777 | 131.0453033447 | 25 | Australia | REGION V (South-West Pacific) | Operational | click |
5009 | SMO | SMO5009 | 0-20008-0-SMO | Samoa (Cape Matatula) | GAW Global | fixed station | -14.2474746704 | -170.5645141602 | 77 | United States of America | REGION V (South-West Pacific) | Operational | click |
5010 | CFA | CFA5010 | 0-20008-0-CFA | Cape Ferguson | GAW Regional | fixed station | -19.2773323059 | 147.0584411621 | 2 | Australia | REGION V (South-West Pacific) | Operational | click |
5011 | CGO | CGO5011 | 0-20008-0-CGO | Kennaook / Cape Grim | GAW Global | fixed station | -40.682220459 | 144.6883392334 | 94 | Australia | REGION V (South-West Pacific) | Operational | click |
5012 | BHD | BHD5012 | 0-20008-0-BHD | Baring Head | GAW Regional | fixed station | -41.4081916809 | 174.870803833 | 85 | New Zealand | REGION V (South-West Pacific) | Operational | click |
5013 | NZL | NZL5013 | 0-20008-0-NZL | Kaitorete Spit | GAW Regional | fixed station | -43.8300018311 | 172.6300048828 | 3 | New Zealand | REGION V (South-West Pacific) | Closed | click |
5014 | LAU | LAU5014 | 0-20008-0-LAU | Lauder | GAW Global | fixed station | -45.0379981995 | 169.6840057373 | 370 | New Zealand | REGION V (South-West Pacific) | Operational | click |
5015 | MQA | MQA5015 | 0-20008-0-MQA | Macquarie Island | GAW Regional | fixed station | -54.498500824 | 158.9385070801 | 6 | Australia | REGION V (South-West Pacific) | Operational | click |
5026 | MKO | MKO5026 | 0-20008-0-MKO | Mauna Kea (HI) | GAW Other elements | fixed station | 19.8299999237 | -155.4799957275 | 4204 | United States of America | REGION V (South-West Pacific) | Operational | click |
6001 | ZEP | ZEP6001 | 0-20008-0-ZEP | Zeppelin Mountain (Ny Ålesund) | GAW Global | fixed station | 78.906688 | 11.889342 | 475 | Norway | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6002 | SUM | SUM6002 | 0-20008-0-SUM | Summit | GAW Regional | fixed station | 72.5800018311 | -38.4799995422 | 3238 | Denmark | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6003 | TER | TER6003 | 0-20008-0-TER | Teriberka | GAW Regional | fixed station | 69.1999969482 | 35.0999984741 | 40 | Russian Federation | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6004 | PAL | PAL6004 | 0-20008-0-PAL | Pallas | GAW Global | fixed station | 67.9736099243 | 24.1158332825 | 560 | Finland | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6006 | STM | STM6006 | 0-20008-0-STM | Ocean Station M | GAW Regional | fixed station | 66 | 2 | 4 | Norway | REGION VI (Europe) | Non-reporting | click |
6007 | ICE | ICE6007 | 0-20008-0-ICE | Storhofdi | GAW Regional | fixed station | 63.4000015259 | -20.2833328247 | 118 | Iceland | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6008 | SIS | SIS6008 | 0-20008-0-SIS | Lerwick | GAW Regional | fixed station | 60.1333351135 | -1.1833332777 | 84 | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | REGION VI (Europe) | Non-reporting | click |
6009 | BAL | BAL6009 | 0-20008-0-BAL | Baltic Sea | GAW Regional | fixed station | 55.5 | 16.6700000763 | 7 | Poland | REGION VI (Europe) | Non-reporting | click |
6010 | WES | WES6010 | 0-20008-0-WES | Westerland | GAW Contributing networks | fixed station | 54.923142 | 8.308017 | 12 | Germany | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6011 | ZGT | ZGT6011 | 0-20008-0-ZGT | Zingst | GAW Other elements | fixed station | 54.436637 | 12.724917 | 1 | Germany | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6012 | DIG | DIG6012 | 0-20008-0-DIG | Diabla Gora / Puszcza Borecka | GAW Regional | fixed station | 54.1500015259 | 22.0666675568 | 157 | Poland | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6013 | STC | STC6013 | 0-20008-0-STC | Ocean Station Charlie | GAW Regional | fixed station | 54 | -35 | 0 | United States of America | REGION VI (Europe) | Closed | click |
6014 | KTB | KTB6014 | 0-20008-0-KTB | Kloosterburen | GAW Regional | fixed station | 53.4000015259 | 6.4200000763 | 0 | Netherlands | REGION VI (Europe) | Closed | click |
6015 | KMW | KMW6015 | 0-20008-0-KMW | Kollumerwaard | GAW Regional | fixed station | 53.3333320618 | 6.2666668892 | 0 | Netherlands | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6016 | MHD | MHD6016 | 0-20008-0-MHD | Mace Head | GAW Global | fixed station | 53.326614 | -9.904419 | 8.4 | Ireland | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6017 | NGL | NGL6017 | 0-20008-0-NGL | Neuglobsow | GAW Regional | fixed station | 53.1427764893 | 13.0333337784 | 62 | Germany | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6018 | WAL | WAL6018 | 0-20008-0-WAL | Waldhof-Langenbrügge | GAW Other elements | fixed station | 52.800867 | 10.75623 | 74 | Germany | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6019 | TAC | TAC6019 | 0-20008-0-TAC | Tacolneston Tall Tower | GAW Regional | fixed station | 52.5177 | 1.1386 | 56 | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | REGION VI (Europe) | Non-reporting | click |
6020 | RGL | RGL6020 | 0-20008-0-RGL | Ridge Hill | GAW Regional | fixed station | 51.9975585938 | -2.5400300026 | 204 | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6021 | ADR | ADR6021 | 0-20008-0-ADR | Adrigole | GAW Regional | fixed station | 51.6800003052 | -9.7299995422 | 50 | Ireland | REGION VI (Europe) | Closed | click |
6022 | OXK | OXK6022 | 0-20008-0-OXK | Ochsenkopf | GAW Contributing networks | fixed station | 50.0301 | 11.8084 | 1185 | Germany | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6023 | DEU | DEU6023 | 0-20008-0-DEU | Deuselbach | GAW Other elements | fixed station | 49.7666664124 | 7.0500001907 | 480 | Germany | REGION VI (Europe) | Closed | click |
6024 | KOS | KOS6024 | 0-20008-0-KOS | Kosetice Observatory | GAW Regional | fixed station | 49.5833320618 | 15.0833330154 | 534 | Czech Republic | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6025 | BRT | BRT6025 | 0-20008-0-BRT | Brotjacklriegel | GAW Other elements | fixed station | 48.8166656494 | 13.2166662216 | 1016 | Germany | REGION VI (Europe) | Closed | click |
6026 | LPO | LPO6026 | 0-20008-0-LPO | Ile Grande | GAW Other elements | fixed station | 48.8036003113 | -3.5838999748 | 20 | France | REGION VI (Europe) | Non-reporting | click |
6027 | SSL | SSL6027 | 0-20008-0-SSL | Schauinsland | GAW Regional | fixed station | 47.9000015259 | 7.9166665077 | 1205 | Germany | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6028 | HPB | HPB6028 | 0-20008-0-HPB | Hohenpeissenberg | GAW Global | fixed station | 47.8014984131 | 11.0096197128 | 985 | Germany | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6029 | WNK | WNK6029 | 0-20008-0-WNK | Wank | GAW Other elements | fixed station | 47.509322 | 11.1426503 | 1780 | Germany | REGION VI (Europe) | Closed | click |
6030 | ZUG | ZUG6030 | 0-20008-0-ZUG | Zugspitze-Gipfel | GAW Global | fixed station | 47.421075 | 10.985896 | 2962 | Germany | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6031 | ZSF | ZSF6031 | 0-20008-0-ZSF | Zugspitze-Schneefernerhaus | GAW Global | fixed station | 47.4165 | 10.97964 | 2666 | Germany | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6032 | SNB | SNB6032 | 0-20000-0-11343 | SONNBLICK Observatory | GAW Global | fixed station | 47.054018786 | 12.9576927483 | 3106 | Austria | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6033 | KPS | KPS6033 | 0-348-4-46316 | Kecskemét K-puszta háttérszennyettség-mérő állomás | GAW Regional | fixed station | 46.9666671753 | 19.5833339691 | 125 | Hungary | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6034 | HUN | HUN6034 | 0-348-4-16307 | Hegyhátsál háttérszennyettség-mérő állomás | GAW Regional | fixed station | 46.9559 | 16.6521 | 248 | Hungary | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6035 | PAY | PAY6035 | 0-20008-0-PAY | Payerne | GAW Regional | fixed station | 46.8129081726 | 6.943500042 | 490 | Switzerland | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6036 | JFJ | JFJ6036 | 0-20008-0-JFJ | Jungfraujoch | GAW Global | fixed station | 46.5474891663 | 7.9850897789 | 3580 | Switzerland | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6037 | KVV | KVV6037 | 0-20008-0-KVV | Krvavec | GAW Regional | fixed station | 46.2973494817 | 14.5333143774 | 1740 | Slovenia | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6038 | RIG | RIG6038 | 0-20008-0-RIG | Rigi | GAW Regional | fixed station | 47.06739 | 8.46333 | 1031 | Switzerland | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6039 | PRS | PRS6039 | 0-20008-0-PRS | Plateau Rosa | GAW Regional | fixed station | 45.9353408813 | 7.7073101997 | 3480 | Italy | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6040 | PUY | PUY6040 | 0-20008-0-PUY | Puy de Dôme | GAW Global | fixed station | 45.7723 | 2.9658 | 1465 | France | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6041 | FDT | FDT6041 | 0-20008-0-FDT | Fundata | GAW Regional | fixed station | 45.43147039 | 25.2715382709 | 1384 | Romania | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6042 | CMN | CMN6042 | 0-20008-0-CMN | Monte Cimone | GAW Global | fixed station | 44.193425 | 10.700963 | 2165 | Italy | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6043 | BSC | BSC6043 | 0-20008-0-BSC | Constanta (Black Sea) | GAW Regional | fixed station | 44.1699981689 | 28.6800003052 | 3 | Romania | REGION VI (Europe) | Non-reporting | click |
6044 | PDM | PDM6044 | 0-20008-0-PDM | Pic du Midi | GAW Regional | fixed station | 42.9371986389 | 0.1411000043 | 2877 | France | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6045 | BEO | BEO6045 | 0-20008-0-BEO | BEO Moussala | GAW Regional | fixed station | 42.1791992188 | 23.5855998993 | 2925 | Bulgaria | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6046 | BGU | BGU6046 | 0-20008-0-BGU | Begur | GAW Other elements | fixed station | 41.9700012207 | 3.2300000191 | 13 | Spain | REGION VI (Europe) | Non-reporting | click |
6047 | AZR | AZR6047 | 0-20008-0-AZR | Serreta (Terceira) | GAW Regional | fixed station | 38.7700004578 | -27.3799991608 | 40 | Portugal | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6048 | CGR | CGR6048 | 0-20008-0-CGR | Capo Granitola | GAW Regional | fixed station | 37.571111 | 12.659722 | 5 | Italy | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6049 | GLH | GLH6049 | 0-20008-0-GLH | Giordan Lighthouse | GAW Regional | fixed station | 36.0722 | 14.2184 | 167 | Malta | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6050 | GOZ | GOZ6050 | 0-20008-0-GOZ | Dwejra Point | GAW Regional | fixed station | 36.0499992371 | 14.1800003052 | 30 | Malta | REGION VI (Europe) | Closed | click |
6051 | LMP | LMP6051 | 0-20008-0-LMP | Lampedusa | GAW Regional | fixed station | 35.5182 | 12.6305 | 45 | Italy | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6052 | FKL | FKL6052 | 0-20008-0-FKL | Finokalia | GAW Other elements | fixed station | 35.3377990723 | 25.6693992615 | 150 | Greece | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6053 | WIS | WIS6053 | 0-20008-0-WIS | Sede Boker | GAW Regional | fixed station | 31.1299991608 | 34.8800010681 | 400 | Israel | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6054 | LMT | LMT6054 | 0-20008-0-LMT | Lamezia Terme | GAW Regional | fixed station | 38.8763 | 16.2322 | 6 | Italy | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6055 | ECO | ECO6055 | 0-20008-0-ECO | Lecce Environmental-Climate Observatory | GAW Regional | fixed station | 40.3358 | 18.1245 | 36 | Italy | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6056 | CUR | CUR6056 | 0-20008-0-CUR | Monte Curcio | GAW Regional | fixed station | 39.315972 | 16.42325 | 1796 | Italy | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6057 | LIN | LIN6057 | 0-20008-0-LIN | Lindenberg | GAW Contributing networks | fixed station | 52.2166671753 | 14.1166667938 | 112 | Germany | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6058 | GAT | GAT6058 | 0-20008-0-GAT | Gartow | GAW Regional | fixed station | 53.065514 | 11.442733 | 69 | Germany | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6064 | TOH | TOH6064 | 0-20008-0-TOH | Torfhaus | GAW Regional | fixed station | 51.808844 | 10.53495 | 801 | Germany | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6066 | NYA | NYA6066 | 0-20008-0-NYA | Ny Ålesund | GAW Global | fixed station | 78.923576355 | 11.9236602783 | 0 | Norway | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6084 | KIT | KIT6084 | 0-20008-0-KIT | Karlsruhe | GAW Contributing networks | fixed station | 49.0999984741 | 8.4379997253 | 111 | Germany | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6293 | BSD | BSD6293 | 0-20008-0-BSD | Bilsdale | GAW Regional | fixed station | 54.359 | -1.15 | 380 | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | REGION VI (Europe) | Non-reporting | click |
6412 | TOB | TOB6412 | 0-276-1-TOB | Taunus Observatory | GAW Regional | fixed station | 50.221884 | 8.446397 | 825 | Germany | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6415 | HEL | HEL6415 | 0-276-0-HEL | Helgoland | GAW Regional | fixed station | 54.1804 | 7.8832 | 43 | Germany | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6418 | MDN | MDN6418 | 0-380-0-MDN | Madonie - Piano Battaglia | GAW Regional | fixed station | 37.880311 | 14.025635 | 1650 | Italy | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6419 | HFD | HFD6419 | 0-20008-0-HFD | Heathfield | GAW Regional | fixed station | 50.976667 | 0.230556 | 160 | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6421 | JUE | JUE6421 | 0-20008-0-JUE | Jülich | GAW Regional | fixed station | 50.910197 | 6.409614 | 98 | Germany | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6422 | STE | STE6422 | 0-20008-0-STE | Steinkimmen | GAW Regional | fixed station | 53.043081 | 8.458761 | 29 | Germany | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
6445 | KAS | KAS6445 | 0-616-0-KAS | Kasprowy Wierch | GAW Regional | fixed station | 49.2325 | 19.9818 | 1989 | Poland | REGION VI (Europe) | Operational | click |
7001 | KSG | KSG7001 | 0-20008-0-KSG | King Sejong | GAW Regional | fixed station | -62.2166595459 | -58.7832984924 | 0 | Republic of Korea | ANTARCTICA | Operational | click |
7002 | JBN | JBN7002 | 0-20008-0-JBN | Jubany | GAW Regional | fixed station | -62.2382011414 | -58.6660003662 | 15 | Argentina | ANTARCTICA | Non-reporting | click |
7003 | PSA | PSA7003 | 0-20008-0-PSA | Palmer Station | GAW Regional | fixed station | -64.7743301392 | -64.0544204712 | 10 | United States of America | ANTARCTICA | Operational | click |
7004 | CYA | CYA7004 | 0-20008-0-CYA | Casey | GAW Regional | fixed station | -66.2833023071 | 110.5167007446 | 51 | Australia | ANTARCTICA | Operational | click |
7005 | MAA | MAA7005 | 0-20008-0-MAA | Mawson | GAW Regional | fixed station | -67.6047210693 | 62.8705558777 | 20 | Australia | ANTARCTICA | Operational | click |
7006 | SYO | SYO7006 | 0-20008-0-SYO | Syowa | GAW Regional | fixed station | -69.0053 | 39.5811 | 29.1 | Japan | ANTARCTICA | Operational | click |
7008 | HBA | HBA7008 | 0-20008-0-HBA | Halley | GAW Global | fixed station | -75.571509 | -25.50386 | 30 | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | ANTARCTICA | Operational | click |
7009 | ARH | ARH7009 | 0-554-0-89668 | Arrival Heights | GAW Regional | fixed station | -77.83011 | 166.66049 | 187.41 | New Zealand | ANTARCTICA | Operational | click |
7010 | MCM | MCM7010 | 0-20008-0-MCM | McMurdo | GAW Regional | fixed station | -77.85 | 166.6666667 | 11 | United States of America | ANTARCTICA | Non-reporting | click |
7011 | SPO | SPO7011 | 0-20008-0-SPO | South Pole | GAW Global | fixed station | -89.9969482422 | -24.7999992371 | 2841 | United States of America | ANTARCTICA | Operational | click |
8001 | OAS8001 | Aircraft (over Japan and surroundings) | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | Japan | MOBILE | Non-reporting | |||
8002 | AOA8002 | Aircraft (Western North Pacific) | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | Japan | MOBILE | Operational | |||
8003 | AIA8003 | Aircraft (over Bass Strait and Cape Grim) | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | Australia | MOBILE | Operational | |||
8004 | SAN8004 | Santarem | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | Brazil | MOBILE | Operational | |||
8005 | INS8005 | INSTAC | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | Japan | MOBILE | Non-reporting | |||
8007 | EOM8007 | CONTRAIL | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | Japan | MOBILE | Operational | |||
8008 | KOF8008 | Kofu Maru, R/V | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | Japan | MOBILE | Closed | |||
8009 | MMR8009 | Mirai, R/V | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | Japan | MOBILE | Operational | |||
8010 | RYF | RYF8010 | 0-20008-0-RYF | Ryofu Maru, R/V | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | Japan | MOBILE | Operational | |
8017 | KIY8017 | MRI Research, Kaiyo Maru, R/V | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | Japan | MOBILE | Non-reporting | |||
8018 | AOC8018 | Atlantic Ocean | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | United States of America | MOBILE | Operational | |||
8021 | HAK8021 | NOPACCS - Hakurei Maru - | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | Japan | MOBILE | Non-reporting | |||
8023 | BSL8023 | Pacific Ocean | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | New Zealand | MOBILE | Operational | |||
8028 | NTU8028 | MRI Research, Natushima, R/V | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | Japan | MOBILE | Non-reporting | |||
8029 | WPC8029 | Western Pacific | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | United States of America | MOBILE | Operational | |||
8030 | HKH8030 | MRI Research, Hakuho Maru, R/V | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | Japan | MOBILE | Non-reporting | |||
8031 | MRI8031 | MRI Research, Ship observations | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | Japan | MOBILE | Non-reporting | |||
8032 | WLT8032 | MRI Research, Wellington Maru, R/V | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | Japan | MOBILE | Non-reporting | |||
8034 | POC | POC8034 | 0-20008-0-POC | Pacific Ocean | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | United States of America | MOBILE | Operational | |
8035 | RFM8035 | MRI Research, Ryofu Maru, R/V | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | Japan | MOBILE | Non-reporting | |||
8036 | NWP8036 | Northern and western Pacific | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | Japan | MOBILE | Operational | |||
8038 | SCS8038 | South China Sea | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | United States of America | MOBILE | Closed | |||
8039 | SOY8039 | Soyo Maru, R/V | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | Japan | MOBILE | Non-reporting | |||
8040 | KEF8040 | Keifu Maru, R/V | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | Japan | MOBILE | Operational | |||
8042 | TDA8042 | Aircraft (over Japan and mainland) | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | Japan | MOBILE | Non-reporting | |||
8043 | PIP8043 | Aircraft (off the Pacific coast of Sendai) | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | Japan | MOBILE | Non-reporting | |||
8044 | DRP8044 | Drake Passage | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | United States of America | MOBILE | Operational | |||
8045 | PAO8045 | Pacific-Atlantic Ocean | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | United States of America | MOBILE | Operational | |||
8046 | WAK8046 | Wakataka-Maru | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | Japan | MOBILE | Non-reporting | |||
8047 | ORL8047 | Aircraft: Orleans | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | France | MOBILE | Operational | |||
8048 | SIH8048 | Ship between Ishigaki Island and Hateruma Island | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | Japan | MOBILE | Closed | |||
8049 | ALL8049 | Alligator liberty, M/V | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | Japan | MOBILE | Closed | |||
8050 | HRM8050 | WEST COSMIC - Hakurei Maru No.2 - | Mobile | mobile platform | NA | NA | NA | Japan | MOBILE | Non-reporting |