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 GAW Global (32)

GAW ID WDCGG ID WIGOS ID Station Contributor Country
WMO Region Latitude
(north: +; south: −)
(east: +; west: −)
(m a.s.l.)
Gas Species
ABP ABP3003 0-20008-0-ABP Arembepe NOAA
Brazil REGION III (South America) -12.7666664124 -38.1666679382 0
ALT ALT4001 0-20008-0-ALT Alert NOAA
Canada REGION IV (North and Central America) 82.4991455078 -62.3415260315 185
AMS AMS1010 0-20008-0-AMS Amsterdam Island NOAA
France REGION I (Africa) -37.7983016968 77.5378036499 70
ASK ASK1003 0-20008-0-ASK Assekrem NOAA
Algeria REGION I (Africa) 23.26116 5.63115 2710
BKT BKT5007 0-20008-0-BKT Bukit Kototabang NOAA
Indonesia REGION V (South-West Pacific) -0.2019443959 100.3180541992 864
BRW BRW4003 0-20008-0-BRW Barrow (AK) NOAA
United States of America REGION IV (North and Central America) 71.3230133057 -156.6114654541 11
CGO CGO5011 0-20008-0-CGO Kennaook / Cape Grim NOAA
Australia REGION V (South-West Pacific) -40.682220459 144.6883392334 94
CMN CMN6042 0-20008-0-CMN Monte Cimone AGAGE
Italy REGION VI (Europe) 44.193425 10.700963 2165
CPT CPT1009 0-20008-0-CPT Cape Point NOAA
South Africa REGION I (Africa) -34.3534812927 18.4896831512 230
CVO CVO1004 0-20008-0-CVO Cape Verde Atmospheric Observatory UYRK
Cabo Verde REGION I (Africa) 16.864025 -24.867519 10
DMV DMV5005 0-20008-0-DMV Danum Valley MMD
Malaysia REGION V (South-West Pacific) 4.9813890457 117.8436126709 426
HBA HBA7008 0-20008-0-HBA Halley NOAA
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ANTARCTICA -75.571509 -25.50386 30
HPB HPB6028 0-20008-0-HPB Hohenpeissenberg NOAA
Germany REGION VI (Europe) 47.8014984131 11.0096197128 985
IZO IZO1002 0-20008-0-IZO Izaña (Tenerife) NOAA
Spain REGION I (Africa) 28.3090000153 -16.4993991852 2373
JFJ JFJ6036 0-20008-0-JFJ Jungfraujoch AGAGE
Switzerland REGION VI (Europe) 46.5474891663 7.9850897789 3580
LAU LAU5014 0-20008-0-LAU Lauder NIWA
New Zealand REGION V (South-West Pacific) -45.0379981995 169.6840057373 370
MHD MHD6016 0-20008-0-MHD Mace Head NOAA
Ireland REGION VI (Europe) 53.326614 -9.904419 8.4
MKN MKN1005 0-20008-0-MKN Mt. Kenya NOAA
Kenya REGION I (Africa) -0.0621999986 37.2971992493 3678
MLO MLO5002 0-20008-0-MLO Mauna Loa (HI) NOAA
United States of America REGION V (South-West Pacific) 19.5362300873 -155.5761566162 3397
MNM MNM2029 0-20008-0-MNM Minamitorishima JMA
Japan REGION II (Asia) 24.2883 153.9833 7.1
NYA NYA6066 0-20008-0-NYA Ny Ålesund TU
Norway REGION VI (Europe) 78.923576355 11.9236602783 0
PAL PAL6004 0-20008-0-PAL Pallas NOAA
Finland REGION VI (Europe) 67.9736099243 24.1158332825 560
PUY PUY6040 0-20008-0-PUY Puy de Dôme LAMP
France REGION VI (Europe) 45.7723 2.9658 1465
PYR PYR2026 0-20008-0-PYR Nepal Climate Observatory - Pyramid UNIURB
Nepal REGION II (Asia) 27.9577999115 86.8149032593 5079
SMO SMO5009 0-20008-0-SMO Samoa (Cape Matatula) NOAA
United States of America REGION V (South-West Pacific) -14.2474746704 -170.5645141602 77
SNB SNB6032 0-20000-0-11343 SONNBLICK Observatory UBAA
Austria REGION VI (Europe) 47.054018786 12.9576927483 3106
SPO SPO7011 0-20008-0-SPO South Pole NOAA
United States of America ANTARCTICA -89.9969482422 -24.7999992371 2841
USH USH3007 0-20008-0-USH Ushuaia NOAA
Argentina REGION III (South America) -54.8484649658 -68.3106918335 18
WLG WLG2015 0-20008-0-WLG Mt. Waliguan NOAA
China REGION II (Asia) 36.2874984741 100.8963012695 3810
ZEP ZEP6001 0-20008-0-ZEP Zeppelin Mountain (Ny Ålesund) NOAA
Norway REGION VI (Europe) 78.906688 11.889342 475
ZSF ZSF6031 0-20008-0-ZSF Zugspitze-Schneefernerhaus DWD
Germany REGION VI (Europe) 47.4165 10.97964 2666
ZUG ZUG6030 0-20008-0-ZUG Zugspitze-Gipfel IMKIFU
Germany REGION VI (Europe) 47.421075 10.985896 2962

-> Check GAWID change

 GAW Regional (128)

GAW ID WDCGG ID WIGOS ID Station Contributor Country
WMO Region Latitude
(north: +; south: −)
(east: +; west: −)
(m a.s.l.)
Gas Species
ADR ADR6021 0-20008-0-ADR Adrigole AGAGE
Ireland REGION VI (Europe) 51.6800003052 -9.7299995422 50
AMY AMY2014 0-20008-0-AMY Anmyeon-do NOAA
Republic of Korea REGION II (Asia) 36.5386 126.33 42
ARH ARH7009 0-554-0-89668 Arrival Heights NIWA
New Zealand ANTARCTICA -77.83011 166.66049 187.41
ASC ASC1007 0-20008-0-ASC Ascension Island NOAA
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland REGION I (Africa) -7.9699997902 -14.3999996185 91
AVI AVI4035 0-20008-0-AVI St. Croix NOAA
United States of America REGION IV (North and Central America) 17.75 -64.75 3
AZR AZR6047 0-20008-0-AZR Serreta (Terceira) NOAA
Portugal REGION VI (Europe) 38.7700004578 -27.3799991608 40
BAL BAL6009 0-20008-0-BAL Baltic Sea NOAA
Poland REGION VI (Europe) 55.5 16.6700000763 7
BCK BCK4129 0-20008-0-BCK Behchoko ECCC
Canada REGION IV (North and Central America) 62.797934 -115.918255 184
BEO BEO6045 0-20008-0-BEO BEO Moussala INRNE
Bulgaria REGION VI (Europe) 42.1791992188 23.5855998993 2925
BER BER2003 0-20008-0-BER Bering Island MGO
Russian Federation REGION II (Asia) 55.2000007629 165.9799957275 13
BHD BHD5012 0-20008-0-BHD Baring Head NOAA
New Zealand REGION V (South-West Pacific) -41.4081916809 174.870803833 85
BME BME4029 0-20008-0-BME St. David's Head NOAA
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland REGION IV (North and Central America) 32.3699989319 -64.6500015259 30
BMW BMW4030 0-20008-0-BMW Tudor Hill (Bermuda) NOAA
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland REGION IV (North and Central America) 32.2700004578 -64.8799972534 30
BRA BRA4218 0-20008-0-BRA Bratt's Lake ECCC
Canada REGION IV (North and Central America) 50.201631 -104.711259 580
BSC BSC6043 0-20008-0-BSC Constanta (Black Sea) NOAA
Romania REGION VI (Europe) 44.1699981689 28.6800003052 3
BSD BSD6293 0-20008-0-BSD Bilsdale UNIVBRIS
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland REGION VI (Europe) 54.359 -1.15 380
CAI CAI1001 0-20008-0-CAI CAIRO EMA
Egypt REGION I (Africa) 30.0833339691 31.2833328247 35
CBA CBA4005 0-20008-0-CBA Cold Bay (AK) NOAA
United States of America REGION IV (North and Central America) 55.2000007629 -162.7166595459 25
CBY CBY4165 0-20008-0-CBY Cambridge Bay ECCC
Canada REGION IV (North and Central America) 69.1284 -105.0577 25
CDL CDL4008 0-20008-0-CDL Candle Lake ECCC
Canada REGION IV (North and Central America) 53.987108 -105.117939 591
CFA CFA5010 0-20008-0-CFA Cape Ferguson CSIRO
Australia REGION V (South-West Pacific) -19.2773323059 147.0584411621 2
CGR CGR6048 0-20008-0-CGR Capo Granitola ISAC
Italy REGION VI (Europe) 37.571111 12.659722 5
CHL CHL4004 0-20008-0-CHL Churchill ECCC
Canada REGION IV (North and Central America) 58.737902 -93.820581 16
CHM CHM4012 0-20008-0-CHM Chibougamau ECCC
Canada REGION IV (North and Central America) 49.69251 -74.342296 383
CHR CHR5006 0-20008-0-CHR Christmas Island NOAA
Kiribati REGION V (South-West Pacific) 1.7000000477 -157.1699981689 3
CMO CMO4016 0-20008-0-CMO Cape Meares (OR) NOAA
United States of America REGION IV (North and Central America) 45 -124 30
CPA CPA2157 0-417-0-CPA Cholpon-Ata Kyrgyzhydromet
Kyrgyzstan REGION II (Asia) 42.6369 77.0675 1613
CPS CPS4245 0-20008-0-CPS Chapais ECCC
Canada REGION IV (North and Central America) 49.821583 -74.974551 383
CRZ CRZ1011 0-20008-0-CRZ Crozet NOAA
France REGION I (Africa) -46.4333381653 51.8335800171 120
CUR CUR6056 0-20008-0-CUR Monte Curcio IIA
Italy REGION VI (Europe) 39.315972 16.42325 1796
CYA CYA7004 0-20008-0-CYA Casey CSIRO
Australia ANTARCTICA -66.2833023071 110.5167007446 51
DIG DIG6012 0-20008-0-DIG Diabla Gora / Puszcza Borecka IOEP
Poland REGION VI (Europe) 54.1500015259 22.0666675568 157
ECO ECO6055 0-20008-0-ECO Lecce Environmental-Climate Observatory ISAC
Italy REGION VI (Europe) 40.3358 18.1245 36
EGB EGB4018 0-20008-0-EGB Egbert ECCC
Canada REGION IV (North and Central America) 44.231006 -79.783839 255
EIC EIC3004 0-20008-0-EIC Easter Island NOAA
Chile REGION III (South America) -27.1666660309 -109.4167022705 41
ESP ESP4013 0-20008-0-ESP Estevan Point CSIRO
Canada REGION IV (North and Central America) 49.382935 -126.544097 7
EST EST4178 0-20008-0-EST Esther ECCC
Canada REGION IV (North and Central America) 51.67055 -110.206325 707
ETL ETL4007 0-20008-0-ETL East Trout Lake ECCC
Canada REGION IV (North and Central America) 54.353743 -104.986864 500
FDT FDT6041 0-20008-0-FDT Fundata INMH
Romania REGION VI (Europe) 45.43147039 25.2715382709 1384
FRF FRF1012 0-20008-0-FRF Farafra EMA
Egypt REGION I (Africa) 27.0581169128 27.9901638031 92
FSD FSD4011 0-20008-0-FSD Fraserdale ECCC
Canada REGION IV (North and Central America) 49.8400001526 -81.5166702271 210
GAT GAT6058 0-20008-0-GAT Gartow DWD
Germany REGION VI (Europe) 53.065514 11.442733 69
GLH GLH6049 0-20008-0-GLH Giordan Lighthouse UMLT
Malta REGION VI (Europe) 36.0722 14.2184 167
GMI GMI5004 0-20008-0-GMI Guam (Mariana Island) NOAA
United States of America REGION V (South-West Pacific) 13.4300003052 144.7799987793 2
GOZ GOZ6050 0-20008-0-GOZ Dwejra Point NOAA
Malta REGION VI (Europe) 36.0499992371 14.1800003052 30
GPA GPA5008 0-20008-0-GPA Gunn Point CSIRO
Australia REGION V (South-West Pacific) -12.2488002777 131.0453033447 25
GSN GSN2025 0-20008-0-GSN Gosan AGAGE
Republic of Korea REGION II (Asia) 33.29382 126.16283 71.39
HEL HEL6415 0-276-0-HEL Helgoland DWD
Germany REGION VI (Europe) 54.1804 7.8832 43
HFD HFD6419 0-20008-0-HFD Heathfield NPL
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland REGION VI (Europe) 50.976667 0.230556 160
HFM HFM4020 0-20008-0-HFM Harvard Forest (MA) NOAA
United States of America REGION IV (North and Central America) 42.9000015259 -72.3000030518 340
HKG HKG2034 0-20008-0-HKG Hok Tsui / Cape d Aguilar HKO
Hong Kong, China REGION II (Asia) 22.2094 114.2535 53
HKO HKO2033 0-20008-0-HKO King's Park HKO
Hong Kong, China REGION II (Asia) 22.3118972778 114.1728744507 65
HUA HUA3002 0-20008-0-HUA Huancayo IGP
Peru REGION III (South America) -12.1499996185 -75.5666656494 4575
HUN HUN6034 0-348-4-16307 Hegyhátsál háttérszennyettség-mérő állomás NOAA
Hungary REGION VI (Europe) 46.9559 16.6521 248
ICE ICE6007 0-20008-0-ICE Storhofdi NOAA
Iceland REGION VI (Europe) 63.4000015259 -20.2833328247 118
INU INU4176 0-20008-0-INU Inuvik ECCC
Canada REGION IV (North and Central America) 68.317817 -133.534232 107
ISK ISK2009 0-20008-0-ISK Issyk-Kul KSNU
Kyrgyzstan REGION II (Asia) 42.6166648865 76.9833297729 1640
ITN ITN4027 0-20008-0-ITN Grifton - Georgia Station (NC) NOAA
United States of America REGION IV (North and Central America) 35.3499984741 -77.3799972534 505
JBN JBN7002 0-20008-0-JBN Jubany IAA
Argentina ANTARCTICA -62.2382011414 -58.6660003662 15
JUE JUE6421 0-20008-0-JUE Jülich DWD
Germany REGION VI (Europe) 50.910197 6.409614 98
KCO KCO2037 0-20008-0-KCO Kaashidhoo (Male Atoll) NOAA
Maldives REGION II (Asia) 4.9699997902 73.4700012207 1
KEY KEY4033 0-20008-0-KEY Key Biscane (FL) NOAA
United States of America REGION IV (North and Central America) 25.6666660309 -80.1999969482 3
KMW KMW6015 0-20008-0-KMW Kollumerwaard RIVM
Netherlands REGION VI (Europe) 53.3333320618 6.2666668892 0
KOS KOS6024 0-20008-0-KOS Kosetice Observatory CHMI
Czech Republic REGION VI (Europe) 49.5833320618 15.0833330154 534
KOT KOT2001 0-20008-0-KOT Kotelnyj Island MGO
Russian Federation REGION II (Asia) 76 137.8699951172 5
KPA KPA4031 0-20008-0-KPA Kitt Peak (AZ) NOAA
United States of America REGION IV (North and Central America) 31.9699993134 -111.5999984741 2083
KPS KPS6033 0-348-4-46316 Kecskemét K-puszta háttérszennyettség-mérő állomás HMS
Hungary REGION VI (Europe) 46.9666671753 19.5833339691 125
KSG KSG7001 0-20008-0-KSG King Sejong KMA
Republic of Korea ANTARCTICA -62.2166595459 -58.7832984924 0
KTB KTB6014 0-20008-0-KTB Kloosterburen RIVM
Netherlands REGION VI (Europe) 53.4000015259 6.4200000763 0
KUM KUM5003 0-20008-0-KUM Cape Kumukahi (HI) NOAA
United States of America REGION V (South-West Pacific) 19.5200004578 -154.8200073242 3
KVV KVV6037 0-20008-0-KVV Krvavec ARSO
Slovenia REGION VI (Europe) 46.2973494817 14.5333143774 1740
KYZ KYZ2010 0-20008-0-KYZ Kyzylcha MGO
Uzbekistan REGION II (Asia) 40.8699989319 66.1500015259 340
KZD KZD2005 0-20008-0-KZD Sary Taukum NOAA
Kazakhstan REGION II (Asia) 44.4500007629 77.5699996948 412
KZM KZM2007 0-20008-0-KZM Plateau Assy NOAA
Kazakhstan REGION II (Asia) 43.25 77.8799972534 2519
LEF LEF4015 0-20008-0-LEF Park Falls (WI) NOAA
United States of America REGION IV (North and Central America) 45.9300003052 -90.2699966431 868
LLB LLB4006 0-20008-0-LLB Lac La Biche (Alberta) NOAA
Canada REGION IV (North and Central America) 54.953809 -112.466649 548
LMP LMP6051 0-20008-0-LMP Lampedusa NOAA
Italy REGION VI (Europe) 35.5182 12.6305 45
LMT LMT6054 0-20008-0-LMT Lamezia Terme ISAC
Italy REGION VI (Europe) 38.8763 16.2322 6
MAA MAA7005 0-20008-0-MAA Mawson CSIRO
Australia ANTARCTICA -67.6047210693 62.8705558777 20
MBC MBC4002 0-20008-0-MBC Mould Bay NOAA
Canada REGION IV (North and Central America) 76.25 -119.3499984741 58
MCM MCM7010 0-20008-0-MCM McMurdo NOAA
United States of America ANTARCTICA -77.85 166.6666667 11
MDN MDN6418 0-380-0-MDN Madonie - Piano Battaglia ENEA
Italy REGION VI (Europe) 37.880311 14.025635 1650
MID MID5001 0-20008-0-MID Sand Island NOAA
United States of America REGION V (South-West Pacific) 28.2199993134 -177.3699951172 4
MQA MQA5015 0-20008-0-MQA Macquarie Island CSIRO
Australia REGION V (South-West Pacific) -54.498500824 158.9385070801 6
NAT NAT3001 0-20008-0-NAT Natal NOAA
Brazil REGION III (South America) -6 -35.2000007629 0
NGL NGL6017 0-20008-0-NGL Neuglobsow UBAG
Germany REGION VI (Europe) 53.1427764893 13.0333337784 62
NMB NMB1008 0-20008-0-NMB Gobabeb NOAA
Namibia REGION I (Africa) -23.5699996948 15.029999733 408
NWR NWR4023 0-20008-0-NWR Niwot Ridge - T-van (CO) NOAA
United States of America REGION IV (North and Central America) 40.0499992371 -105.5899963379 3523
NZL NZL5013 0-20008-0-NZL Kaitorete Spit NOAA
New Zealand REGION V (South-West Pacific) -43.8300018311 172.6300048828 3
OPW OPW4014 0-20008-0-OPW Olympic Peninsula (WA) NOAA
United States of America REGION IV (North and Central America) 48.25 -124.4199981689 488
PAY PAY6035 0-20008-0-PAY Payerne Empa
Switzerland REGION VI (Europe) 46.8129081726 6.943500042 490
PDI PDI2035 0-20008-0-PDI Pha Din VNMHA
Viet Nam REGION II (Asia) 21.5731 103.5157 1466
PDM PDM6044 0-20008-0-PDM Pic du Midi LA
France REGION VI (Europe) 42.9371986389 0.1411000043 2877
PRS PRS6039 0-20008-0-PRS Plateau Rosa RSE
Italy REGION VI (Europe) 45.9353408813 7.7073101997 3480
PSA PSA7003 0-20008-0-PSA Palmer Station NOAA
United States of America ANTARCTICA -64.7743301392 -64.0544204712 10
PTA PTA4025 0-20008-0-PTA Point Arena (CA) NOAA
United States of America REGION IV (North and Central America) 38.9500007629 -123.7300033569 17
RGL RGL6020 0-20008-0-RGL Ridge Hill UNIVBRIS
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland REGION VI (Europe) 51.9975585938 -2.5400300026 204
RIG RIG6038 0-20008-0-RIG Rigi Empa
Switzerland REGION VI (Europe) 47.06739 8.46333 1031
RPB RPB4036 0-20008-0-RPB Ragged Point NOAA
Barbados REGION IV (North and Central America) 13.1700000763 -59.4300003052 45
RYO RYO2012 0-20008-0-RYO Ryori JMA
Japan REGION II (Asia) 39.0319 141.8222 260
SDZ SDZ2011 0-20008-0-SDZ Shangdianzi NOAA
China REGION II (Asia) 40.6500015259 117.1166000366 287
SEY SEY1006 0-20008-0-SEY Mahé NOAA
Seychelles REGION I (Africa) -4.6700000763 55.1699981689 3
SGI SGI3006 0-20008-0-SGI Bird Island (South Georgia) NOAA
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland REGION III (South America) -54.0083007813 -38.0512008667 30
SHM SHM4009 0-20008-0-SHM Shemya Island NOAA
United States of America REGION IV (North and Central America) 52.7200012207 174.1000061035 40
SIO SIO4028 0-20008-0-SIO La Jolla (CA) NOAA
United States of America REGION IV (North and Central America) 32.8300018311 -117.2699966431 14
SIS SIS6008 0-20008-0-SIS Lerwick CSIRO
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland REGION VI (Europe) 60.1333351135 -1.1833332777 84
SSL SSL6027 0-20008-0-SSL Schauinsland UBAG
Germany REGION VI (Europe) 47.9000015259 7.9166665077 1205
STC STC6013 0-20008-0-STC Ocean Station Charlie NOAA
United States of America REGION VI (Europe) 54 -35 0
STE STE6422 0-20008-0-STE Steinkimmen DWD
Germany REGION VI (Europe) 53.043081 8.458761 29
STM STM6006 0-20008-0-STM Ocean Station M NOAA
Norway REGION VI (Europe) 66 2 4
SUM SUM6002 0-20008-0-SUM Summit NOAA
Denmark REGION VI (Europe) 72.5800018311 -38.4799995422 3238
SYO SYO7006 0-20008-0-SYO Syowa NOAA
Japan ANTARCTICA -69.0053 39.5811 29.1
TAC TAC6019 0-20008-0-TAC Tacolneston Tall Tower NOAA
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland REGION VI (Europe) 52.5177 1.1386 56
TAP TAP2013 0-20008-0-TAP Tae-ahn Peninsula NOAA
Republic of Korea REGION II (Asia) 36.7299995422 126.1299972534 20
TER TER6003 0-20008-0-TER Teriberka MGO
Russian Federation REGION VI (Europe) 69.1999969482 35.0999984741 40
THD THD4022 0-20008-0-THD Trinidad Head (CA) NOAA
United States of America REGION IV (North and Central America) 41.0541000366 -124.1510009766 107
TIK TIK2002 0-20008-0-TIK Tiksi NOAA
Russian Federation REGION II (Asia) 71.5861663818 128.9188232422 8
TKB TKB2018 0-20008-0-TKB Tateno (Tsukuba) MRI
Japan REGION II (Asia) 36.0581 140.1258 25.2
TLL TLL3005 0-20008-0-TLL El Tololo DMC
Chile REGION III (South America) -30.16833 -70.80361 2154
TOB TOB6412 0-276-1-TOB Taunus Observatory AGAGE
Germany REGION VI (Europe) 50.221884 8.446397 825
TOH TOH6064 0-20008-0-TOH Torfhaus DWD
Germany REGION VI (Europe) 51.808844 10.53495 801
ULD ULD2159 0-410-0-ULD Ulleungdo KMA
Republic of Korea REGION II (Asia) 37.48 130.9 220.9
UTA UTA4024 0-20008-0-UTA Wendover (UT) NOAA
United States of America REGION IV (North and Central America) 39.9000015259 -113.7200012207 1320
UUM UUM2004 0-20008-0-UUM Ulaan Uul NOAA
Mongolia REGION II (Asia) 44.444 111.0861 992
WIS WIS6053 0-20008-0-WIS Sede Boker NOAA
Israel REGION VI (Europe) 31.1299991608 34.8800010681 400
WKT WKT4032 0-20008-0-WKT Moody (TX) NOAA
United States of America REGION IV (North and Central America) 31.3199996948 -97.6200027466 723
WSA WSA4019 0-20008-0-WSA Sable Island ECCC
Canada REGION IV (North and Central America) 43.932638 -60.008608 2
YON YON2028 0-20008-0-YON Yonagunijima JMA
Japan REGION II (Asia) 24.4667 123.0106 30

-> Check GAWID change

 GAW Contributing networks (6)

WDCGG ID WIGOS ID Station Contributor Country
WMO Region Latitude
(north: +; south: −)
(east: +; west: −)
(m a.s.l.)
Gas Species
COI2008 0-20008-0-COI Cape Ochiishi NIES
Japan REGION II (Asia) 43.16028 145.49739 42.4
KIT6084 0-20008-0-KIT Karlsruhe DWD
Germany REGION VI (Europe) 49.0999984741 8.4379997253 111
LIN6057 0-20008-0-LIN Lindenberg DWD
Germany REGION VI (Europe) 52.2166671753 14.1166667938 112
OXK6022 0-20008-0-OXK Ochsenkopf NOAA
Germany REGION VI (Europe) 50.0301 11.8084 1185
SGP4026 0-20008-0-SGP Southern Great Plains E13 (OK) NOAA
United States of America REGION IV (North and Central America) 36.5999984741 -97.5 318
WES6010 0-20008-0-WES Westerland UBAG
Germany REGION VI (Europe) 54.923142 8.308017 12

-> Check GAWID change

 GAW Other elements (26)

WDCGG ID WIGOS ID Station Contributor Country
WMO Region Latitude
(north: +; south: −)
(east: +; west: −)
(m a.s.l.)
Gas Species
AMT4017 0-20008-0-AMT Argyle (ME) NOAA
United States of America REGION IV (North and Central America) 45.0299987793 -68.6800003052 50
BGU6046 0-20008-0-BGU Begur LSCE
Spain REGION VI (Europe) 41.9700012207 3.2300000191 13
BRT6025 0-20008-0-BRT Brotjacklriegel UBAG
Germany REGION VI (Europe) 48.8166656494 13.2166662216 1016
CCJ2158 0-20000-0-47971 CHICHIJIMA MRI
Japan REGION II (Asia) 27.0922222222 142.1913888889 2.7
CRI2036 0-20008-0-CRI Cape Rama CSIRO
India REGION II (Asia) 15.0799999237 73.8300018311 60
DDR2019 0-20008-0-DDR Mt. Dodaira SAIPF
Japan REGION II (Asia) 36.000275 139.186386 832
DEU6023 0-20008-0-DEU Deuselbach UBAG
Germany REGION VI (Europe) 49.7666664124 7.0500001907 480
FKL6052 0-20008-0-FKL Finokalia LSCE
Greece REGION VI (Europe) 35.3377990723 25.6693992615 150
HAT2031 0-20008-0-HAT Hateruma Island NIES
Japan REGION II (Asia) 24.06069 123.80939 10
HMM2024 0-20008-0-HMM Hamamatsu SHIZU
Japan REGION II (Asia) 34.7166671753 137.7166595459 29
KAS6445 0-616-0-KAS Kasprowy Wierch AGH
Poland REGION VI (Europe) 49.2325 19.9818 1989
KIS2017 0-20008-0-KIS Kisai SAIPF
Japan REGION II (Asia) 36.084519 139.560514 14
LLN2032 0-20008-0-LLN Lulin NOAA
Taiwan, Province of China REGION II (Asia) 23.4699993134 120.8700027466 2862
LPO6026 0-20008-0-LPO Ile Grande LSCE
France REGION VI (Europe) 48.8036003113 -3.5838999748 20
MEX4034 0-20008-0-MEX Mex High Altitude Global Climate Observation Center NOAA
Mexico REGION IV (North and Central America) 18.985842 -97.314433 4560
MKO5026 0-20008-0-MKO Mauna Kea (HI) NOAA
United States of America REGION V (South-West Pacific) 19.8299999237 -155.4799957275 4204
MKW2022 0-20008-0-MKW Mikawa-Ichinomiya AICH
Japan REGION II (Asia) 34.8499984741 137.4299926758 50
MMB2006 0-20008-0-MMB Memanbetsu MRI
Japan REGION II (Asia) 43.9199981689 144.1999969482 33
NGY2021 0-20008-0-NGY Nagoya NAGOU
Japan REGION II (Asia) 35.1500015259 136.9700012207 35
SUI2023 0-20008-0-SUI Suita OSAKAU
Japan REGION II (Asia) 34.8199996948 135.5200042725 63
TKY2016 0-20008-0-TKY Takayama AIST
Japan REGION II (Asia) 36.14616667 137.4231111 1420
URW2020 0-20008-0-URW Urawa SAIPF
Japan REGION II (Asia) 35.868361 139.612889 8
WAL6018 0-20008-0-WAL Waldhof-Langenbrügge UBAG
Germany REGION VI (Europe) 52.800867 10.75623 74
WBI4021 0-20008-0-WBI West Branch (Iowa) NOAA
United States of America REGION IV (North and Central America) 41.7249984741 -91.3529968262 242
WNK6029 0-20008-0-WNK Wank IMKIFU
Germany REGION VI (Europe) 47.509322 11.1426503 1780
ZGT6011 0-20008-0-ZGT Zingst UBAG
Germany REGION VI (Europe) 54.436637 12.724917 1

-> Check GAWID change

 Mobile (33)

WDCGG ID WIGOS ID Mobile Contributor Country
WMO Region Category Gas Species
AIA8003 Aircraft (over Bass Strait and Cape Grim) CSIRO
Australia MOBILE mobile platform
ALL8049 Alligator liberty, M/V JMA
Japan MOBILE mobile platform
AOA8002 Aircraft (Western North Pacific) JMA
Japan MOBILE mobile platform
AOC8018 Atlantic Ocean NOAA
United States of America MOBILE mobile platform
BSL8023 Pacific Ocean NIWA
New Zealand MOBILE mobile platform
DRP8044 Drake Passage NOAA
United States of America MOBILE mobile platform
Japan MOBILE mobile platform
HAK8021 NOPACCS - Hakurei Maru - NEDO
Japan MOBILE mobile platform
HKH8030 MRI Research, Hakuho Maru, R/V MRI
Japan MOBILE mobile platform
HRM8050 WEST COSMIC - Hakurei Maru No.2 - NEDO
Japan MOBILE mobile platform
Japan MOBILE mobile platform
KEF8040 Keifu Maru, R/V JMA
Japan MOBILE mobile platform
KIY8017 MRI Research, Kaiyo Maru, R/V MRI
Japan MOBILE mobile platform
KOF8008 Kofu Maru, R/V JMA
Japan MOBILE mobile platform
MMR8009 Mirai, R/V MRI
Japan MOBILE mobile platform
MRI8031 MRI Research, Ship observations MRI
Japan MOBILE mobile platform
NTU8028 MRI Research, Natushima, R/V MRI
Japan MOBILE mobile platform
NWP8036 Northern and western Pacific TU
Japan MOBILE mobile platform
OAS8001 Aircraft (over Japan and surroundings) MRI
Japan MOBILE mobile platform
ORL8047 Aircraft: Orleans LSCE
France MOBILE mobile platform
PAO8045 Pacific-Atlantic Ocean NOAA
United States of America MOBILE mobile platform
PIP8043 Aircraft (off the Pacific coast of Sendai) TU
Japan MOBILE mobile platform
POC8034 0-20008-0-POC Pacific Ocean NOAA
United States of America MOBILE mobile platform
RFM8035 MRI Research, Ryofu Maru, R/V MRI
Japan MOBILE mobile platform
RYF8010 0-20008-0-RYF Ryofu Maru, R/V JMA
Japan MOBILE mobile platform
SAN8004 Santarem INPE
Brazil MOBILE mobile platform
SCS8038 South China Sea NOAA
United States of America MOBILE mobile platform
SIH8048 Ship between Ishigaki Island and Hateruma Island TU
Japan MOBILE mobile platform
SOY8039 Soyo Maru, R/V FRA
Japan MOBILE mobile platform
TDA8042 Aircraft (over Japan and mainland) TU
Japan MOBILE mobile platform
WAK8046 Wakataka-Maru FRA
Japan MOBILE mobile platform
WLT8032 MRI Research, Wellington Maru, R/V MRI
Japan MOBILE mobile platform
WPC8029 Western Pacific NOAA
United States of America MOBILE mobile platform

-> Check GAWID change


Mobile (33)

WDCGG ID Station Country/Territory
AIA8003 Aircraft (over Bass Strait and Cape Grim) Australia
ALL8049 Alligator liberty, M/V Japan
AOA8002 Aircraft (Western North Pacific) Japan
AOC8018 Atlantic Ocean United States of America
BSL8023 Pacific Ocean New Zealand
DRP8044 Drake Passage United States of America
HAK8021 NOPACCS - Hakurei Maru - Japan
HKH8030 MRI Research, Hakuho Maru, R/V Japan
HRM8050 WEST COSMIC - Hakurei Maru No.2 - Japan
INS8005 INSTAC Japan
KEF8040 Keifu Maru, R/V Japan
KIY8017 MRI Research, Kaiyo Maru, R/V Japan
KOF8008 Kofu Maru, R/V Japan
MMR8009 Mirai, R/V Japan
MRI8031 MRI Research, Ship observations Japan
NTU8028 MRI Research, Natushima, R/V Japan
NWP8036 Northern and western Pacific Japan
OAS8001 Aircraft (over Japan and surroundings) Japan
ORL8047 Aircraft: Orleans France
PAO8045 Pacific-Atlantic Ocean United States of America
PIP8043 Aircraft (off the Pacific coast of Sendai) Japan
POC8034 Pacific Ocean United States of America
RFM8035 MRI Research, Ryofu Maru, R/V Japan
RYF8010 Ryofu Maru, R/V Japan
SAN8004 Santarem Brazil
SCS8038 South China Sea United States of America
SIH8048 Ship between Ishigaki Island and Hateruma Island Japan
SOY8039 Soyo Maru, R/V Japan
TDA8042 Aircraft (over Japan and mainland) Japan
WAK8046 Wakataka-Maru Japan
WLT8032 MRI Research, Wellington Maru, R/V Japan
WPC8029 Western Pacific United States of America

Station List

GAW Global(32)

show the GAW Global Stations only

WDCGG ID Station Country/Territory
ABP3003 Arembepe Brazil
ALT4001 Alert Canada
AMS1010 Amsterdam Island France
ASK1003 Assekrem Algeria
BKT5007 Bukit Kototabang Indonesia
BRW4003 Barrow (AK) United States of America
CGO5011 Kennaook / Cape Grim Australia
CMN6042 Monte Cimone Italy
CPT1009 Cape Point South Africa
CVO1004 Cape Verde Atmospheric Observatory Cabo Verde
DMV5005 Danum Valley Malaysia
HBA7008 Halley United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
HPB6028 Hohenpeissenberg Germany
IZO1002 Izaña (Tenerife) Spain
JFJ6036 Jungfraujoch Switzerland
LAU5014 Lauder New Zealand
MHD6016 Mace Head Ireland
MKN1005 Mt. Kenya Kenya
MLO5002 Mauna Loa (HI) United States of America
MNM2029 Minamitorishima Japan
NYA6066 Ny Ålesund Norway
PAL6004 Pallas Finland
PUY6040 Puy de Dôme France
PYR2026 Nepal Climate Observatory - Pyramid Nepal
SMO5009 Samoa (Cape Matatula) United States of America
SNB6032 SONNBLICK Observatory Austria
SPO7011 South Pole United States of America
USH3007 Ushuaia Argentina
WLG2015 Mt. Waliguan China
ZEP6001 Zeppelin Mountain (Ny Ålesund) Norway
ZSF6031 Zugspitze-Schneefernerhaus Germany
ZUG6030 Zugspitze-Gipfel Germany

GAW Regional(128)

show the GAW Regional Stations only

WDCGG ID Station Country/Territory
ADR6021 Adrigole Ireland
AMY2014 Anmyeon-do Republic of Korea
ARH7009 Arrival Heights New Zealand
ASC1007 Ascension Island United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
AVI4035 St. Croix United States of America
AZR6047 Serreta (Terceira) Portugal
BAL6009 Baltic Sea Poland
BCK4129 Behchoko Canada
BEO6045 BEO Moussala Bulgaria
BER2003 Bering Island Russian Federation
BHD5012 Baring Head New Zealand
BME4029 St. David's Head United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
BMW4030 Tudor Hill (Bermuda) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
BRA4218 Bratt's Lake Canada
BSC6043 Constanta (Black Sea) Romania
BSD6293 Bilsdale United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
CAI1001 CAIRO Egypt
CBA4005 Cold Bay (AK) United States of America
CBY4165 Cambridge Bay Canada
CDL4008 Candle Lake Canada
CFA5010 Cape Ferguson Australia
CGR6048 Capo Granitola Italy
CHL4004 Churchill Canada
CHM4012 Chibougamau Canada
CHR5006 Christmas Island Kiribati
CMO4016 Cape Meares (OR) United States of America
CPA2157 Cholpon-Ata Kyrgyzstan
CPS4245 Chapais Canada
CRZ1011 Crozet France
CUR6056 Monte Curcio Italy
CYA7004 Casey Australia
DIG6012 Diabla Gora / Puszcza Borecka Poland
ECO6055 Lecce Environmental-Climate Observatory Italy
EGB4018 Egbert Canada
EIC3004 Easter Island Chile
ESP4013 Estevan Point Canada
EST4178 Esther Canada
ETL4007 East Trout Lake Canada
FDT6041 Fundata Romania
FRF1012 Farafra Egypt
FSD4011 Fraserdale Canada
GAT6058 Gartow Germany
GLH6049 Giordan Lighthouse Malta
GMI5004 Guam (Mariana Island) United States of America
GOZ6050 Dwejra Point Malta
GPA5008 Gunn Point Australia
GSN2025 Gosan Republic of Korea
HEL6415 Helgoland Germany
HFD6419 Heathfield United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
HFM4020 Harvard Forest (MA) United States of America
HKG2034 Hok Tsui / Cape d Aguilar Hong Kong, China
HKO2033 King's Park Hong Kong, China
HUA3002 Huancayo Peru
HUN6034 Hegyhátsál háttérszennyettség-mérő állomás Hungary
ICE6007 Storhofdi Iceland
INU4176 Inuvik Canada
ISK2009 Issyk-Kul Kyrgyzstan
ITN4027 Grifton - Georgia Station (NC) United States of America
JBN7002 Jubany Argentina
JUE6421 Jülich Germany
KCO2037 Kaashidhoo (Male Atoll) Maldives
KEY4033 Key Biscane (FL) United States of America
KMW6015 Kollumerwaard Netherlands
KOS6024 Kosetice Observatory Czech Republic
KOT2001 Kotelnyj Island Russian Federation
KPA4031 Kitt Peak (AZ) United States of America
KPS6033 Kecskemét K-puszta háttérszennyettség-mérő állomás Hungary
KSG7001 King Sejong Republic of Korea
KTB6014 Kloosterburen Netherlands
KUM5003 Cape Kumukahi (HI) United States of America
KVV6037 Krvavec Slovenia
KYZ2010 Kyzylcha Uzbekistan
KZD2005 Sary Taukum Kazakhstan
KZM2007 Plateau Assy Kazakhstan
LEF4015 Park Falls (WI) United States of America
LLB4006 Lac La Biche (Alberta) Canada
LMP6051 Lampedusa Italy
LMT6054 Lamezia Terme Italy
MAA7005 Mawson Australia
MBC4002 Mould Bay Canada
MCM7010 McMurdo United States of America
MDN6418 Madonie - Piano Battaglia Italy
MID5001 Sand Island United States of America
MQA5015 Macquarie Island Australia
NAT3001 Natal Brazil
NGL6017 Neuglobsow Germany
NMB1008 Gobabeb Namibia
NWR4023 Niwot Ridge - T-van (CO) United States of America
NZL5013 Kaitorete Spit New Zealand
OPW4014 Olympic Peninsula (WA) United States of America
PAY6035 Payerne Switzerland
PDI2035 Pha Din Viet Nam
PDM6044 Pic du Midi France
PRS6039 Plateau Rosa Italy
PSA7003 Palmer Station United States of America
PTA4025 Point Arena (CA) United States of America
RGL6020 Ridge Hill United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
RIG6038 Rigi Switzerland
RPB4036 Ragged Point Barbados
RYO2012 Ryori Japan
SDZ2011 Shangdianzi China
SEY1006 Mahé Seychelles
SGI3006 Bird Island (South Georgia) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
SHM4009 Shemya Island United States of America
SIO4028 La Jolla (CA) United States of America
SIS6008 Lerwick United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
SSL6027 Schauinsland Germany
STC6013 Ocean Station Charlie United States of America
STE6422 Steinkimmen Germany
STM6006 Ocean Station M Norway
SUM6002 Summit Denmark
SYO7006 Syowa Japan
TAC6019 Tacolneston Tall Tower United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
TAP2013 Tae-ahn Peninsula Republic of Korea
TER6003 Teriberka Russian Federation
THD4022 Trinidad Head (CA) United States of America
TIK2002 Tiksi Russian Federation
TKB2018 Tateno (Tsukuba) Japan
TLL3005 El Tololo Chile
TOB6412 Taunus Observatory Germany
TOH6064 Torfhaus Germany
ULD2159 Ulleungdo Republic of Korea
UTA4024 Wendover (UT) United States of America
UUM2004 Ulaan Uul Mongolia
WIS6053 Sede Boker Israel
WKT4032 Moody (TX) United States of America
WSA4019 Sable Island Canada
YON2028 Yonagunijima Japan

GAW Contributing networks(6)

show the GAW Contributing networks Stations only

WDCGG ID Station Country/Territory
COI2008 Cape Ochiishi Japan
KIT6084 Karlsruhe Germany
LIN6057 Lindenberg Germany
OXK6022 Ochsenkopf Germany
SGP4026 Southern Great Plains E13 (OK) United States of America
WES6010 Westerland Germany

GAW Other elements(26)

show the GAW Other elements Stations only

WDCGG ID Station Country/Territory
AMT4017 Argyle (ME) United States of America
BGU6046 Begur Spain
BRT6025 Brotjacklriegel Germany
CRI2036 Cape Rama India
DDR2019 Mt. Dodaira Japan
DEU6023 Deuselbach Germany
FKL6052 Finokalia Greece
HAT2031 Hateruma Island Japan
HMM2024 Hamamatsu Japan
KAS6445 Kasprowy Wierch Poland
KIS2017 Kisai Japan
LLN2032 Lulin Taiwan, Province of China
LPO6026 Ile Grande France
MEX4034 Mex High Altitude Global Climate Observation Center Mexico
MKO5026 Mauna Kea (HI) United States of America
MKW2022 Mikawa-Ichinomiya Japan
MMB2006 Memanbetsu Japan
NGY2021 Nagoya Japan
SUI2023 Suita Japan
TKY2016 Takayama Japan
URW2020 Urawa Japan
WAL6018 Waldhof-Langenbrügge Germany
WBI4021 West Branch (Iowa) United States of America
WNK6029 Wank Germany
ZGT6011 Zingst Germany