Be sure to read the information below before registering.
Why register?
Registration is needed for download of certain data and addition to favorites.
This website requests user registration to help WDCGG respond to contributor requests.
Information on user data downloads is recorded.
Many contributors face difficulties with ongoing monitoring due to economic and other limitations.
Information on the timing and usage of data provided may help to validate the effectiveness of such work.
Provision of information on user names and email addresses facilitates communication and collaboration with contributors,
who reserve the right to know who is using the data they provide.
User information will not be distributed or used for other purposes.
Steps for registration
Step1: Fill out the registration form.
Step2: Submit the form.
Step3: Look out for an email containing an activation code.
Step4: Access the URL with the activation code to complete registration.
Please also refer to
the WDCGG User registration_procedures on the manual page.
Users will be accredited once registration is complete.
Get started