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 WDCGG Contributor Manual

Be sure to read the manual before submitting data.
To avoid inappropriate updates to data and metadata, contributors should submit the whole available body of observation data and corresponding metadata each time; this will ensure that WDCGG data matches the latest version of contributors' data.

 WDCGG Data and Metadata Submission Manual ( Documentation / Procedures )
 Template for submission
 WDCGG Confirmation Procedures
 WDCGG Metadata List
 WDCGG Glossary

 Go to Contributor registration

 WDCGG User Manual

WDCGG provides data files in ASCII text format and NetCDF format.
Have you completed registration?
Certain datasets require login for data download.

 WDCGG User Manual
 WDCGG User registration_procedures
 WDCGG Data Format Table
 WDCGG Meteorological Data Format Table
 WDCGG Data File Name Format
 WDCGG tgz data Header Format Table
 WDCGG Metadata List
 WDCGG Glossary

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 Go to User registration