NO | 74 |
Acronym | UNIURB |
Name | University of Urbino, Dep. of Pure and Applied Sciences (DISPEA) |
Address 1 | piazza Rinascimento 6 |
Address 2 | 61029 - Urbino |
Address 3 | |
Country/Territory | Italy |
Website |
Name | Jgor Arduini |
Prefix | Dr. | | |
Organization No | 74 |
Organization acronym | UNIURB |
Organization name | University of Urbino, Dep. of Pure and Applied Sciences (DISPEA) |
Organization country/territory | Italy |
Address 1 | |
Address 2 | DISPEA |
Address 3 | piazza Rinascimento 6, 61029 Urbino - Italy |
Country/territory | Italy |
Tel | 00390722303316 |
Fax | 00390722303311 |
Last updated date | 2024-07-25 |
Background observation | |
UTC+05:45 | |
ppt | |
9999-12-31 00:00:00 - 9999-12-31 23:59:59: METAS-2017 |
9999-12-31 00:00:00 - 9999-12-31 23:59:59: 1 (m) |
Unknown | |
each flask run is breaketed by working std runs; | |
[Hourly] [Daily] [Monthly] |
Flag: Data category 1: Background data 2: Data possibly affected by pollution 3: Invalid data (measurement not available or local contamination) Baseline identification / classification has been derived applying the Robust Extraction of Baseline Signal algorithm (REBS) by Ruckstuhl et al." Robust extraction of baseline signal of atmospheric trace species using local regression. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 2012", 5, 2613–2624, |
Temporarily suspended | |
Wind direction: Wind speed: Relative humidity: Precipitation amount: Air pressure: Air temperature: Dew point temperature: Sea water temperature: Sea surface water temperature: Sea water salinity: Sea surface water salinity: |
Meteorological data may remain as first provided, even when greenhouse gas data are updated. |
Format | Text (WDCGG Data Format Table, WDCGG Meteorological Data Format Table), NetCDF | ||||
Relation List (Is Part Of) |
All HCFC-132b data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2024-07-26 |
Geolocation Point |