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"For Scientific purposes, access to these data is unlimited and provided without charge. By their use you accept that an offer of co-authorship will be made through personal contact with the data providers or owners whenever substantial use is made of their data. In all cases, an acknowledgement must be made to the data providers or owners and to the data centre when these data are used within a publication."


 2025-01-01-0106 (Last updated: 2024-12-24)


This data set is submitted by SAWS.

DL Gas Species Station/Mobile Organization Type Period Filename Size Plot
N2O Cape Point SAWS hourly 1994-01-01 00:00:00 - 2007-01-01 00:00:00 n2o_cpt1009_surface-insitu_66_9999-1001_hourly (Text: 20.51MB ; NetCDF: 27.40MB ) png
N2O Cape Point SAWS hourly 1994-01-01 00:00:00 - 2007-01-01 00:00:00 n2o_cpt1009_surface-insitu_66_9999-1002_hourly (Text: 20.47MB ; NetCDF: 27.40MB ) png
N2O Cape Point SAWS daily 1994-04-30 00:00:00 - 2006-12-31 00:00:00 n2o_cpt1009_surface-insitu_66_9999-1001_daily (Text: 0.83MB ; NetCDF: 1.13MB ) png
N2O Cape Point SAWS monthly 1994-04-01 00:00:00 - 2006-12-01 00:00:00 n2o_cpt1009_surface-insitu_66_9999-1001_monthly (Text: 0.04MB ; NetCDF: 0.05MB ) png

Text NetCDF

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NO 66
Acronym SAWS
Name South African Weather Service
Address 1 South African Weather Service - GAW,
Address 2 Freight Road, Oval Park Office,
Address 3 Cape Town Int Airport, 7525
Country/Territory South Africa
Website http://www.weathersa.co.za/


Name Thumeka Mkololo
Prefix Dr
Email thumeka.mkololo@weathersa.co.za
Organization No 66
Organization acronym SAWS
Organization name South African Weather Service
Organization country/territory South Africa
Address 1 South African Weather Service - GAW,
Address 2 Freight Road, Oval Park Office,
Address 3 Cape Town Int Airport, 7525
Country/territory South Africa
Last updated date 2023-11-28

Name Lynwill Martin
Email Lynwill.martin@weathersa.co.za
Organization No 66
Organization acronym SAWS
Organization name South African Weather Service
Organization country/territory South Africa
Address 1 South African Weather Service - GAW,
Address 2 Freight Road, Oval Park Office,
Address 3 Cape Town Int Airport, 7525
Country/territory South Africa
Last updated date 2023-11-28

 Background observation
 9999-12-31 00:00:00 - 2006-12-31 23:59:59: SHIMADZU GC-ECD(Gas chromatography (ECD))
 2007-01-01 00:00:00 - 9999-12-31 23:59:59: HP 5890(Gas chromatography (ECD))
 9999-12-31 00:00:00 - 9999-12-31 23:59:59: 30 (m)
 15 minutes
 One working standard is used every hour and multi calibrations involving five (CMDL certified) laboratory standards (range: 286 - 347 ppb N2O) are utilised approximately once every 4 months to verify the working gas concentration. A target gas is also run once daily as a check on instrumental stability.
 All data with obvious sampling or analytical error are rejected. Furthermore, a statistical filter (moving percentiles) is applied for the selection of background concentrations. Calibrations are removed from final reported data set.
 Temporarily suspended
 Scientific Aim : Observation of long-term N2O trends in maritime air representative of the Southern Hemispheric mid-latitudes. Research related to baseline N2O levels and deducing N2O sources and sinks.

Two freezing units (-4 and -45 °C respectively) are used in series to dry the ambient air prior to analysis. Sampling is continuous, using a gas chromatograph (GC) with and Electron Capture Detector (ECD). The oven temperature is approximately 40 °C and the ECD temperature 355 oC.
The primary column is a 1/8" x 3 m stainless steel, packed with Porapak N, 80/100 mesh, whilst a pre-column (1/4" x 20 cm s/steel packed with sodium asbestos) is used to extract any CO2. N2 (5.0) is used as carrier gas and the sampling loop (s/steel, 2 mm OD x 2.2 m) has a volume of 7 ml.
The data have been recorded at 15 min intervals (96 samples per day) and mixing ratios stored as hourly means (1994 until 2002). From mid-99 onwards, the 15-min intervals have been used to create half-hourly means. These in turn form the basis for the daily and monthly averages.

The height of the air intake is 260 m above sea level from the top of a 30 m high mast.
 Wind direction:
 Wind speed:
 Relative humidity:
 Precipitation amount:
 Air pressure:
 Air temperature:
 Dew point temperature:
 Sea water temperature:
 Sea surface water temperature:
 Sea water salinity:
 Sea surface water salinity:
Meteorological data may remain as first provided, even when greenhouse gas data are updated.
No DOI available

 Related information

Format Text (WDCGG Data Format Table, WDCGG Meteorological Data Format Table), NetCDF
Relation List (Is Part Of) All N2O data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2024-09-24
All N2O data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2023-09-13
All N2O data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2022-09-05
All N2O data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2021-08-24
All N2O data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2020-09-28
All N2O data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2019-09-19
All N2O data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2018-10-23
Geolocation Point
Latitude (north: +; south: -) -34.3534812927
Longitude (east: +; west: -) 18.4896831512

 GAW Data Policy

"For Scientific purposes, access to these data is unlimited and provided without charge. By their use you accept that an offer of co-authorship will be made through personal contact with the data providers or owners whenever substantial use is made of their data. In all cases, an acknowledgement must be made to the data providers or owners and to the data centre when these data are used within a publication."

 Citation format

This format is an example of the WDCGG standard citation.
Please follow the citation format which the data providers or owners indicate.
Thumeka Mkololo (SAWS), Lynwill Martin (SAWS), Atmospheric N2O at Cape Point by South African Weather Service , dataset published as N2O_CPT1009_ surface-insitu_SAWS_data1 at WDCGG, ver. 2025-01-01-0106 (Reference date*: YYYY/MM/DD)

* As the reference date, please indicate the date you downloaded the files.


1  Brunke E-G. Scheel H.E. and Seiler W. (1990). Trends of tropospheric CO, N2O and CH4 as observed at Cape Point, South Africa. Atmos. Environ. 24A, 3, 585-595.
2  Scheel H.E., Brunke E-G. and Seiler W. (1990). Trace gas measurements at the Monitoring Station Cape Point, South Africa, between 1978 and 1988. J. Atmos. Chem. 11, 3, 197-210.