NO | 53 |
Acronym | NIES |
Name | National Institute for Environmental Studies |
Address 1 | |
Address 2 | National Institute for Environmental Studies |
Address 3 | 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba 305-8506, Japan |
Country/Territory | Japan |
Website | |
Name | Yasunori TOHJIMA |
Prefix | Dr. | | |
Organization No | 53 |
Organization acronym | NIES |
Organization name | National Institute for Environmental Studies |
Organization country/territory | Japan |
Address 1 | |
Address 2 | National Institute for Environmental Studies |
Address 3 | 16-2, Onogawa, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki 305-8506, Japan |
Country/territory | Japan |
Tel | |
Fax | |
Last updated date | 2024-10-04 |
Background observation | |
UTC+09:00 | |
ppb | |
9999-12-31 00:00:00 - 9999-12-31 23:59:59: NIES96 |
9999-12-31 00:00:00 - 9999-12-31 23:59:59: Hewlett Packard 5890 II(Gas chromatography (ECD)) |
9999-12-31 00:00:00 - 9999-12-31 23:59:59: 36.5 (m) |
Unknown | |
Primary standard gases are gravimetrically prepared N2O-in-air mixtures. Three working standard gases of different N2O concentration are injected every hour. N2O concentrations of air samples are calculated with calibration curves, which are determined by the data from the two sets of the working standard gases, measured just before and after the set of the air samples. The working standard gases are calibrated against primary standard gases at NIES before and after their use. |
All data obtained during normal operation of the measurement apparatus are reported. | |
[Hourly] [Daily] Daily mean concentrations are calculated by averaging the hourly data obtained during the reported day. [Monthly] Monthly mean concentrations are calculated by averaging the daily data obtained during the reported month. |
9 : The daily mean calculated with lesser than twelve hourly data or the monthly mean calculated with lesser than twenty daily data. | |
Valid: 9 |
Temporarily suspended | |
The height of the air intake is 36.5 meters above ground level (46.5 meters above mean sea-level). The air samples are dried first by a Nafion® tube dryer and then by a cold trap (-40 °C). The interval between air sample measurements is 10 minutes. Study of long-term trends in the level of atmospheric N2O, as one of the baseline monitoring stations for the global environmental research and the policy-making communities. |
Wind direction: Wind speed: Relative humidity: Precipitation amount: Air pressure: Air temperature: Dew point temperature: Sea water temperature: Sea surface water temperature: Sea water salinity: Sea surface water salinity: |
Meteorological data may remain as first provided, even when greenhouse gas data are updated. |
Format | Text (WDCGG Data Format Table, WDCGG Meteorological Data Format Table), NetCDF | ||||
Relation List (Is Part Of) |
All N2O data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2024-09-24 All N2O data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2023-09-13 All N2O data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2022-09-05 All N2O data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2021-08-24 All N2O data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2020-09-28 All N2O data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2019-09-19 All N2O data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2018-10-23 |
Geolocation Point |
1 | Tohjima Y., Mukai H., Maksyutov S., Takahasji Y., Machida T., Katsumoto M., and Fujinuma Y., 2000 : Variations in atmospheric nitrous oxide observed at Hateruma monitoring station. Chemoshere-Global Change Sci., 2, 435-443. |