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 Data Policy

GAW Data Policy
"For Scientific purposes, access to these data is unlimited and provided without charge. By their use you accept that an offer of co-authorship will be made through personal contact with the data providers or owners whenever substantial use is made of their data. In all cases, an acknowledgement must be made to the data providers or owners and to the data centre when these data are used within a publication."


 2025-01-01-0023 (Last updated: 2024-12-18)


This data set is submitted by Empa.

DL Gas Species Station/Mobile Organization Type Period Filename Size Plot
CO Rigi Empa hourly 1999-01-01 00:00:00 - 2023-12-31 23:00:00 co_rig6038_surface-insitu_23_9999-9999_hourly (Text: 36.95MB ; NetCDF: 52.68MB ) png
CO Rigi Empa daily 1991-01-01 00:00:00 - 2023-12-31 00:00:00 co_rig6038_surface-insitu_23_9999-9999_daily (Text: 2.05MB ; NetCDF: 2.91MB ) png
CO Rigi Empa monthly 1991-01-01 00:00:00 - 2023-12-01 00:00:00 co_rig6038_surface-insitu_23_9999-9999_monthly (Text: 0.08MB ; NetCDF: 0.11MB ) png
MET (CO) Rigi Empa hourly 1999-01-01 00:00:00 - 2023-12-31 23:00:00 co_rig6038_surface-insitu_23_9999-9999_hourly_met (Text: 26.16MB ; NetCDF: 30.94MB ) -

Text NetCDF

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In line with the GAW Data Policy, users should contact the contributors of all data of interest and propose co-authorship or acknowledgement.


NO 23
Acronym Empa
Name Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology
Address 1 Überlandstrasse 129
Address 2 8600 Dübendorf
Address 3 Switzerland
Country/Territory Switzerland
Website http://www.empa.ch/gaw


Name Thomas Seitz
Prefix Dr.
Email thomas.seitz@empa.ch
Organization No 23
Organization acronym Empa
Organization name Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology
Organization country/territory Switzerland
Address 1
Address 2
Address 3 Überlandstrasse 129 CH-8600 Dübendorf Switzerland
Country/territory Switzerland
Tel +41 58 765 4655
Last updated date 2024-06-26

 Background observation
 9999-12-31 00:00:00 - 2000-12-31 23:59:59: NMI PRM AC11
 2001-01-01 00:00:00 - 2006-04-30 23:59:59: NIST SRM 1677c
 2006-05-01 00:00:00 - 2011-11-30 23:59:59: NIST SRM 2612a
 2011-12-01 00:00:00 - 2016-12-31 23:59:59: NPL PRGM in synth. Air
 2017-01-01 00:00:00 - 2021-11-30 23:59:59: NPL PRGM NG677 in synth. Air
 2021-12-01 00:00:00 - 9999-12-31 23:59:59: NPL PRGM 2851 in synth. air
 9999-12-31 00:00:00 - 2007-07-31 11:59:59: APMA 360 (HORIBA Ltd.)(NDIR)
 2007-07-31 12:00:00 - 2012-09-05 11:59:59: APMA 370 (HORIBA Ltd.)(NDIR)
 2012-09-05 12:00:00 - 2017-11-29 12:41:59: Picarro G2302(CRDS)
 2017-11-29 12:42:00 - 2017-12-05 12:11:09: Picarro CO/CO2/CH4/H2O G2401(CRDS)
 2017-12-05 12:11:10 - 9999-12-31 23:59:59: Picarro G2302(CRDS)
 9999-12-31 00:00:00 - 9999-12-31 23:59:59: 5.0 (m)
 5 seconds
 manual zero and span calibration every 2 weeks
Scale and Calibration (traceability):
From 12/1999 until 01/2001: NMI PRM AC11 (10ppm ± 0.08ppm);
from 01/2001 until 05/2006: NIST SRM 1677c(10ppm ± 0.05ppm);
from 05/2006 to 12/2011: NIST SRM 2612a (10ppm ± 0.12ppm); consistent with WMO-2000;
from 12/2011 to 12/2016: NPL PRGM 221708SG in synth. air (10ppm ± 0.04ppm); NPL is traceable to NIST (refer to the NPL homepage)
from 01/2017: NPL PRGM NG677 in synth. air (10ppm ± 0.05ppm);
since 12/2021:NPL PRGM 2851 in synth. air (3.983ppm ± 0.020ppm);
NMI/NPL standards are compared to WMO scales and agree within their uncertainties
 Quality assurance procedures involve time series plots, consistency checks.
Up to 12/2017: aggregate calculations based on 10-minute aggregates with greater than 75% availability
Since 01/2018:
threshold.1h <- 4 # minimum number of 10-min averages per hour; i.e. mean value is set to NA if number of available data is 1, 2, or 3.
threshold.1d <- 16 # minimum number of hourly averages per day
threshold.1m <- 18 # minimum number of daily averages per month
 [Daily] daily]
Estimated standard uncertainty for daily aggregates:
[1999-12-17 thru 2008-01-01] 2.4 ppbv below 120 ppbv, 2 % otherwise;
[2008-01-01 thru 2009-01-01] uncertainty = [(0.0141ppm)^2+(0.0125*c)^2]^0.5;
[2009-01-01 thru 2010-01-01] uncertainty = [(0.0191ppm)^2+(0.0070*c)^2]^0.5;
[2010-01-01 thru 2016-01-01] uncertainty = [(0.0208ppm)^2+(0.0069*c)^2]^0.5;
[2016-01-01 thru 2019-01-01] uncertainty = [(0.021 ppm)^2+(0.028*c)^2]^0.5;
Since 2019-01-01 uncertainty = [(0.015 ppm)^2+(0.028*c)^2]^0.5
 Air intake: open-face, ambient
Measurement Methods:
Horiba instruments: non-dispersive infrared detection (NDIR);
Picarro instruments: Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy CRDS
 Wind direction: 1
 Wind speed: 1
 Relative humidity: 1
 Precipitation amount: 1
 Air pressure: 1
 Air temperature: 1
 Dew point temperature: 0
 Sea water temperature: 0
 Sea surface water temperature: 0
 Sea water salinity: 0
 Sea surface water salinity: 0
Meteorological data may remain as first provided, even when greenhouse gas data are updated.
No DOI available

 Related information

Format Text (WDCGG Data Format Table, WDCGG Meteorological Data Format Table), NetCDF
Relation List (Is Part Of) All CO data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2024-09-24
All CO data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2023-09-13
All CO data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2022-09-05
All CO data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2021-08-27
All CO data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2020-09-28
All CO data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2019-09-19
All CO data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2018-10-25
Geolocation Point
Latitude (north: +; south: -) 47.06739
Longitude (east: +; west: -) 8.46333

 GAW Data Policy

"For Scientific purposes, access to these data is unlimited and provided without charge. By their use you accept that an offer of co-authorship will be made through personal contact with the data providers or owners whenever substantial use is made of their data. In all cases, an acknowledgement must be made to the data providers or owners and to the data centre when these data are used within a publication."

 Citation format

This format is an example of the WDCGG standard citation.
Please follow the citation format which the data providers or owners indicate.
Thomas Seitz (Empa), Atmospheric CO at Rigi by Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology , dataset published as CO_RIG6038_ surface-insitu_Empa_data1 at WDCGG, ver. 2025-01-01-0023 (Reference date*: YYYY/MM/DD)

* As the reference date, please indicate the date you downloaded the files.


No data available