NO | 2 |
Acronym | NOAA |
Name | Global Monitoring Laboratory, NOAA |
Address 1 | NOAA/ESRL |
Address 2 | R/GML1 |
Address 3 | 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80305-3328 |
Country/Territory | United States of America |
Website | |
Name | Xin Lan |
Prefix | | | |
Organization No | 2 |
Organization acronym | NOAA |
Organization name | Global Monitoring Laboratory, NOAA |
Organization country/territory | United States of America |
Address 1 | NOAA GML |
Address 2 | 325 Broadway R/GML-1 |
Address 3 | Boulder, CO 80305-3328 |
Country/territory | United States of America |
Tel | |
Fax | |
Last updated date | 2024-08-01 |
Background observation | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UTC | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ppm | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9999-12-31 00:00:00 - 9999-12-31 23:59:59: WMO CO2 X2019 |
2006-10-12 13:42:00 - 2019-06-28 15:52:00: Unknown(NDIR) 2019-07-04 14:00:00 - 2023-12-30 09:15:00: Unknown(CRDS) |
weekly | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Uncertainties of the CO2 measurements are included. Key components of it are our ability to propagate the WMO XCO2 scale to working standards, the repeatability of the analyzers used for sample measurement, and the long-term reproducibility. Zhao and Tans (2006) determined that the internal consistency of working standards is +/- 0.02 ppm (68% confidence interval). The typical repeatability of the analyzers, based on repeated measurements of natural air from a high-pressure cylinder, is +/- 0.06 ppm for NDIR and +/- 0.02 ppm for CRDS. Long-term reproducibility is estimated to be +/- 0.03 ppm based on repeated measurements of air from a high-pressure cylinder, or the long-term variability in the differences between measurements of test flasks on the flask-air analysis system and separate measurements of the test gas used to fill the test flasks. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[Hourly] [Daily] [Monthly] Monthly means are produced for each site by first averaging all valid measurement results in the event file with a unique sample date and time. Values are then extracted at weekly intervals from a smooth curve (Thoning et al., 1989) fitted to the averaged data and these weekly values are averaged for each month to give the monthly means recorded in the files. Flagged data are excluded from the curve fitting process. Some sites are excluded from the monthly mean directory because sparse data or a short record does not allow a reasonable curve fit. Also, if there are 3 or more consecutive months without data, monthly means are not calculated for these months. |
This is the NOAA 3-character quality control flag. Column 1 is the REJECTION flag. An alphanumeric other than a period (.) in the FIRST column indicates a sample with obvious problems during collection or analysis. This measurement should not be interpreted. Column 2 is the SELECTION flag. An alphanumeric other than a period (.) in the SECOND column indicates a sample that is likely valid but does not meet selection criteria determined by the goals of a particular investigation. For example, it might not have been obtained during 'background' conditions. Column 3 is the INFORMATION flag. An alphanumeric other than a period (.) in the THIRD column provides additional information about the collection or analysis of the sample. A P in the 3rd column of the QC flag indicates the measurement result is preliminary and has not yet been carefully examined by the PI. The P flag is removed once the quality of the measurement has been determined. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Valid (background): ... Valid (background): ..? Valid: .?? Invalid: ??? |
Operational/Reporting | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Dry Air Mole Fractions from the NOAA GML Carbon Cycle Cooperative Global Air Sampling Network, starting in 1968 These data are provided by NOAA. Principal investigators include Xin Lan (NOAA). Key partners include Alcide Giorgio di Sarra (ENEA) AND National Agency for New Technology, Energy, and Environment (ENEA). Please cite the product's citation when using data from this dataset : Lan, X., J.W. Mund, A.M. Crotwell, K.W. Thoning, E. Moglia, M. Madronich, K. Baugh, G. Petron, M.J. Crotwell, D. Neff, S. Wolter, T. Mefford and S. DeVogel (2024), Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Dry Air Mole Fractions from the NOAA GML Carbon Cycle Cooperative Global Air Sampling Network, 1968-2023, Version: 2024-07-30, |
Wind direction: Wind speed: Relative humidity: Precipitation amount: Air pressure: Air temperature: Dew point temperature: Sea water temperature: Sea surface water temperature: Sea water salinity: Sea surface water salinity: |
Meteorological data may remain as first provided, even when greenhouse gas data are updated. |
For more information, please refer: |
Format | Text (WDCGG Data Format Table, WDCGG Meteorological Data Format Table), NetCDF | ||||
Relation List (Is Part Of) |
All CO2 data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2024-09-24 All CO2 data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2023-09-13 All CO2 data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2022-09-07 All CO2 data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2021-09-08 All CO2 data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2020-09-28 All CO2 data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2019-09-19 All CO2 data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2018-10-25 |
Geolocation Point |
1 | Conway, T.J., P.P. Tans, L.S. Waterman, K.W. Thoning, D.R. Kitzis, K.A. Masarie, and N. Zhang, Evidence for interannual variability of the carbon cycle from the NOAA/GMD global air sampling network, J. Geophys. Res.,99,22831 22855, 1994. |
2 | Lan, X., J.W. Mund, A.M. Crotwell, K.W. Thoning, E. Moglia, M. Madronich, K. Baugh, G. Petron, M.J. Crotwell, D. Neff, S. Wolter, T. Mefford and S. DeVogel (2024), Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Dry Air Mole Fractions from the NOAA GML Carbon Cycle Cooperative Global Air Sampling Network, 1968-2023, Version: 2024-07-30, |