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DOI 10.50849/WDCGG_HFC32_ALL_2018
Version 2018-10-03_10-28-17 (Data Version History)
Included data period 2001/06/01 - 2017/09/30
Title All HFC-32 data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2018-10-03
Creator Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment Science Team(AGAGE),
National Institute for Environmental Studies,
University of Urbino, Dep. of Pure and Applied Sciences (DISPEA),

Chris Lunder (NILU), Dickon Young (UNIVBRIS), Jgor Arduini (UNIURB), Martin Vollmer (Empa), Michela Maione (UNIURB), Paul Krummel (CSIRO), Ray F. Weiss (SIO), Ray Wang (EAS), Simon O'Doherty (UNIVBRIS), Stefan Reimann (Empa), Takuya Saito (NIES),
Publisher World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases
Publication Date 2018-10-03
Format Text (WDCGG Data Format Table, WDCGG Meteorological Data Format Table, WDCGG tgz data Header Format Table), NetCDF

 HFC-32 all dataset (doi:10.50849/WDCGG_HFC32_ALL_2018)

* : Mobile
Country/territory Contributor Platform Sampling
Buffer DOI
(* DOIs and file names issued by WDCGG may have multiple versions. Be sure to check the data version.
DOI information is updated annually.)
Version on the WDCGG website Updated Date Details of the latest version
CGO CGO5011 0-20008-0-CGO Kennaook / Cape Grim Australia AGAGE surface insitu gc-ms-medusa
2018-09-17-1327 2018-10-02 click
CMN CMN6042 0-20008-0-CMN Monte Cimone Italy AGAGE surface insitu gc-ms
2018-09-17-1253 2018-09-28 click
COI2008 0-20008-0-COI Cape Ochiishi Japan NIES surface insitu data1
2018-05-23-1435 2018-08-13 click
HAT2031 0-20008-0-HAT Hateruma Island Japan NIES surface insitu data1
2018-05-23-1435 2018-08-13 click
JFJ JFJ6036 0-20008-0-JFJ Jungfraujoch Switzerland AGAGE surface insitu gc-ms-medusa
2018-09-17-1327 2018-10-02 click
MHD MHD6016 0-20008-0-MHD Mace Head Ireland AGAGE surface insitu gc-ms-medusa
2018-09-17-1358 2018-10-03 click
PYR PYR2026 0-20008-0-PYR Nepal Climate Observatory - Pyramid Nepal UNIURB surface flask data1
2018-06-22-1347 2018-07-26 click
RPB RPB4036 0-20008-0-RPB Ragged Point Barbados AGAGE surface insitu gc-ms-medusa
2018-09-17-1358 2018-10-03 click
SMO SMO5009 0-20008-0-SMO Samoa (Cape Matatula) United States of America AGAGE surface insitu gc-ms-medusa
2018-09-17-1358 2018-10-03 click
THD THD4022 0-20008-0-THD Trinidad Head (CA) United States of America AGAGE surface insitu gc-ms-medusa
2018-09-17-1410 2018-10-03 click
ZEP ZEP6001 0-20008-0-ZEP Zeppelin Mountain (Ny Ă…lesund) Norway AGAGE surface insitu gc-ms-medusa
2018-09-17-1410 2018-10-03 click

 GAW Data Policy

"For Scientific purposes, access to these data is unlimited and provided without charge. By their use you accept that an offer of co-authorship will be made through personal contact with the data providers or owners whenever substantial use is made of their data. In all cases, an acknowledgement must be made to the data providers or owners and to the data centre when these data are used within a publication."

 Citation format

Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment Science Team(AGAGE), National Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Urbino, Dep. of Pure and Applied Sciences (DISPEA),

Chris Lunder (NILU), Dickon Young (UNIVBRIS), Jgor Arduini (UNIURB), Martin Vollmer (Empa), Michela Maione (UNIURB), Paul Krummel (CSIRO), Ray F. Weiss (SIO), Ray Wang (EAS), Simon O'Doherty (UNIVBRIS), Stefan Reimann (Empa), Takuya Saito (NIES), WDCGG; All HFC-32 data contributed to WDCGG by GAW stations and mobiles by 2018-10-03, (Reference date*: YYYY/MM/DD)

* As the reference date, please indicate the date you downloaded the files.